Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
The Singles Ministry is open to all members of Sacred Heart and the HSV community who are single, widowed, divorced or simply alone. In addition to our weekly Wednesday card games at 1:00 pm, consider joining us for one or more of the following activities. For shows at the Woodlands, purchase tickets at  or the box office. If planning to join for dinner and shows, please sign your name in the Singles book. Contact Debbie or Susan at

March 21: Lunch at Red Lobster. Meet in the church parking lot on the Ponderosa side at 12:15 pm to carpool. No sign up.

• March 30: HSV Players present "The Outsiders". Lunch at Dolce Vita.

• April 22: Broadway Our Way at the Woodlands. **RESCHEDULED from Feb. 20. The Tavern at Balboa for dinner.

• May 7-9: Sacred Heart pilgrimage to Blessed Stanly Rother Shrine in Oklahoma City.

• May 15: The Imperials Gospel Group at the Woodlands. 7:00pm dinner TBD

• June 8: 2:00 pm Pocket Theater "Barefoot in the Park" $15 group ticket payable to Susan Harrell by May 1. Purple Cow for lunch. Leaving the church lot after 10:00 am Mass.