Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
We once again invite you to donate $20.00 to help Trinity Catholic School in Fort Smith and in doing so be eligible to win money throughout the pro foot-ball season. Every week of the season (18 weeks) you have a chance to be one of eight winners as a total of $1,150.00 will be given out weekly. On a card that will be sent to you via mail, there will be three randomly selected teams for each Sunday for you to follow. If the accumulation of points of your three teams is one of the highest or lowest of all the cards that are in play, you will win varied amounts ($25 - $500). You will be contacted if you are a winner.

More information and an order form can be obtained in the Narthex or at the church office. The season starts on September 5 so don't wait too long to send in your application and $20 check or credit card information. Good luck!!