Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas

Pictured in the first row are Dianne Gleason, JoAnn O’Brien and Mary Ann Honzik; second row, Dave Witchger, Chris Gleason, Mike Frantz, and Terry O’Brien; and top row, John Bodensteiner and Larry Lipsmeyer.

The parish Treasure Sale will be held on Friday and Saturday, September 28/29.  To collect donations, the following dates have been scheduled from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon:   August 8, 11, 22; September 8, 19, 22, 24, 25, 26.  Call Chris or Mike Frantz at 922-5877 or Lucy or Marvin Young at 915-8028 for more information or to arrange a pick-up of donations.  More information about the sale and volunteer sign-up forms are on a table in the hallway.

John Bodensteiner is once again coordinating the Treasure Sale with the assistance of new member and co-coordinator Chris Gleason.  Financials will be handled by David Witchger.  Terry and JoAnn O'Brien will oversee floor sales, while Tom Yerina and volunteers to his committee are in charge of setting up the church hall for the sale.  Information regarding collection dates and requests for assistance in getting donations to the church is being handled by Mike Frantz and Marvin Young.  The job or sorting and pricing donations is in the very capable hands of committee chairs Claudia Keearns and Mary Ann Honzik.  Deacon Lipsmeyer juggles all the miscellaneous matters that fall to no specific committee's oversight, and Kathy Geske is handling publicity.

With 900 plus parish households assisting with their donations, as well as by their participation in the various Treasure Sale committee activities, the 2012 Treasure Sale is promising to be another resounding success.  While the coordinators and committee chairs have a busy summer to look forward to, their dedication along with the support of willing parishioners will guarantee the end result of jobs well done.