Paula Doyle (center) is welcomed to the Sacred Heart Men’s Club April meeting by Program Director Buddy Dixon (left) and President Bill Patterson. |
The Sacred Heart of Jesus Men’s Club held their April meeting on April 10
th. The guest speaker for the meeting was Paula Doyle, a Sacred Heart parishioner and a Spiritual Director. Buddy Dixon, the Men’s Club Program Director, introduced Paula and gave a summary of her background and education. Paula is a trained, professional Spiritual Director having achieved her certification through a one-year internship that followed her receiving a master’s degree. Since this is a relatively new field of spiritual activity for many of those attending the meeting, Paula explained what a person should expect from their sessions with a Spiritual Director and how the process works. She explained that it is a “holy conversation” where the person tells his or her own story about the state of their faith journey. It is not intended to be therapy, counseling, teaching, bible study or directive. Rather it is an exploration to help the person explore what your life is all about and what it is that you want to achieve. In many ways it is similar to what a personal trainer might do in a fitness center by encouraging you to achieve you best in your exercise routine to strengthen and tone your body. Here the Spiritual Director will encourage you to achieve your best in strengthening your faith and your personal relationship with God. It is done individually and confidentially and for Sacred Heart parishioners it is now done at no cost to the individual. Sessions are usually held once a month.
Following her presentation, Paula answered many questions from the floor. Paula also encouraged anyone interested in additional information or wanting to schedule an appointment to contact her at (501) 922-5771 or at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The men attending the meeting were very appreciative of the time Paula gave to explain this new and interesting process.