Father Bill Elser (left holding a bible) and Mickey Townsend look at the flyer from Little Rock Scripture Studies to be distributed by Sacred Heart at Easter. |
Father Bill Elser and Mickey Townsend of Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church heard the call to get God's Word to all people in all situations. Bible study is not limited to a building or a group. While Mickey was leading the 'Gospel of John' scripture study, a man walked in and lovingly expressed, "My wife is too sick to come here but I know she would like to have a study to do on her own. Where can I get one?" This really touched Mickey’s heart and it was obvious that there are many people who could be in this situation. Mickey approached the Little Rock Scripture Study organization and they have put a flyer together for our church promoting individual studies done in ones home. The flyer will be provided in Sacred Heart’s Easter weekend bulletins. Those interested can also find information at
littlerockscripture.org or by calling Little Rock Scripture Study at 501-664-6102 to obtain bible studies you can do at home on your own.
Through out the year, Mickey leads Little Rock Scripture Study Programs for women of all denominations on Tuesdays. The same study is held on Wednesdays for Catholic men and women. For more information call Mickey at 501-922-0705.