The weekend of November 12/13 will be the kickoff of the 2022 Arkansas Catholic Schools Scholarship Appeal. Thanks to your prior support the Scholarship Appeal raised over $60,000 providing financial assistance to 86 students! Funds raised go directly to Catholic schools for tuition assistance for qualifying students. This weekend marks the beginning of the 2022 appeal. With your support, our goal is to help even more students this year. Without your help, these students would not have access to all the wonderful advantages of a Catholic education. A grateful family wrote: "We would like to thank you for providing our family with scholarship funds. These last two years have been incredibly difficult for so many. Through these trying times one of our biggest comforts lies in our faith, our church and our Catholic school. Knowing that our daughter is getting the best education in a Christian environment is comforting. It's a true blessing." Please support this fund and give the gift that lasts a lifetime and beyond, a Catholic education. Donations can be made through the Office of Catholic Schools, PO Box 7565, Little Rock, AR 72217-7565 or online at Thank you.