Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas

Father Bill Elser (center) greets visitors to the Sacred Heart open house.
Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church held an Open House on October 9th.  Beginning at 2:00 PM, visitors were welcome to come and tour the church facilities.  Representatives of various church ministries and the religious education program were present to answer any questions about their respective organizations and activities.  Welcoming guests in the narthex of the church, Father Bill Elser, Pastor of Sacred Heart, would guide those interested in a tour.  At the entrance to the church was a display table.  One side of the table had a display that focused on the mission of the parish emphasizing worshiping, praying, serving, sharing, healing and loving together.  A picture display showed parishioners involved in these activities.  The other side of the table had a display summarizing the educational and bible study opportunities available at the parish as well as providing information about the more than 40,000 hours of volunteer time parishioners have given the past years and the more than $235,000 donated to local charities by the church and the organizations within the church.  After completing the tours, Father Bill invited everyone to join him in one of the church’s meeting areas where he served some of his homemade ice cream.  Cookies and ice tea were also available, compliments of the Ladies of Sacred Heart Guild.

In commenting on the Open House, Father Bill said that he was pleased to offer the Hot Springs Village community the opportunity to come and see Sacred Heart, both the church and the people of the church.  He was excited to share all that Sacred Heart offers for the community and for its parishioners.  Father Bill also commented that the Open House was a planned, public time to visit but guests are always welcome to visit the church and to explore what Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church has to offer.