Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas

Pictured (L-R) are Fr. Bill Elser, Fr. Vic Bieberle, Jonathan Semmler, Bishop AnthonyTaylor, Camille Eisenhauer, and Monsignor Bernard Malone.
Anthony B. Taylor, Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Little Rock, visited Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish on September 17th to officiate at the 5:00 PM celebration of the Eucharist and to administer the sacrament of Confirmation to Camille Eisenhauer and to Jonathan Semmler both of whom are CCD students at Sacred Heart.  Camille is the daughter of Ike and Sonya Eisenhauer, and Jonathan is the son of Mike and Susan Semmler.

A dinner, prepared and served by the Ladies of Sacred Heart, followed the service for the families and friends of these two most recently confirmed youngsters, as well as for Megan Shaffer and Dylan Kinkade, who were confirmed earlier this year.

Bishop Taylor offered the blessing before the meal, and joined Fr. Bill Elser, pastor, Monsignor Bernard Malone, retired pastor, and Fr. Vic Bieberle in participating in the festivities.  Celebratory balloons decorated the tables and Fr. Elser’s homemade ice cream and Mary Parks’ banana/chocolate cake were served as the very special dessert.