Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
Singles Fellowship

Save the Date!  End of summer cookout and social, Tuesday, August 27, 5:00 p.m. in the Lower Hall.. Please sign up to attend and indicate what side dish you wish to bring.  Goodwill donations to be collected for cost of meat, cheese and buns.  

Puttin' on the Dog ... & Cat!  Sponsored by the HSV Animal Welfare League.  Date is September 24, 2019.  Dinner included, plus live and silent auction.  Cost is $25 per person.  Sign-up by August 4.

Singles will attend the Ceilidh Dah' (pronounced kay-lee gay) Scottish Festival that benefits the Ouachita Children's Center, October 3 at 5:30 p.m. at the Coronado Center.  Join for a fun evening of bagpipes and Scottish music, traditional Scottish foods, Scottish lore and legends.  Ticket price is $40 per person.  Price includes dinner, two drink tickets (yes adult beverages) and entertainment.  Make checks payable to the HSV POA and give to Debbie or Susan or place in the Singles folder in the rolling cabinet located in the old copier room in the A&E hall.  Sign-up sheet will be in the Singles book in the narthex.  Payment will be due by September 15th.

Branson trip for Christmas season shows, November 19-22 seats are still available.  As a reminder, final payments due no later than September 15.  Please grab a friend and join us. 

Hand and Foot is played every first and third Wednesday in the Upper Hall.  Via e-mail, contact singles, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.