The mission group named UNBOUND and Father Jerry Morgan are very appreciative for the warm and generous welcome that was given to them.
Because of your generousity, there are now 62 more children/aging who are now thanking God for inspiring someone to help provide some basic life necessities and helping them to begin building a path out of poverty. You - the sponsor, will be receiving a letter of thanks from your sponsored child in about two months.
For those parishioners who had to leave Mass early, or those who are having second thoughts, or others who were not able to be present the mission weekend, you can still sponsor a child/aging by going online to Thank you.
Because of your generousity, there are now 62 more children/aging who are now thanking God for inspiring someone to help provide some basic life necessities and helping them to begin building a path out of poverty. You - the sponsor, will be receiving a letter of thanks from your sponsored child in about two months.
For those parishioners who had to leave Mass early, or those who are having second thoughts, or others who were not able to be present the mission weekend, you can still sponsor a child/aging by going online to Thank you.