Men's Club General Membership Meeting will meet Tuesday, January 8, at 5:00 p.m. in the Lower Hall.
At 5:00 p.m., you can join others in the Upper Hall to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet for family, Church, our nation, world peace, and your personal intentions. Social gathering in the Lower Hall is from 5:00 to 5:45 p.m. Dinner will be served before 6:00 p.m. After diner, we will have a short business meeting. Remember to sign up with Danny Murphy at the meeting to participate in our "Meals On Wheels" program for February.
The dinner for the evening will be Pork Loin w/Sangria Sauce, salad with crackers, sweet potatoes, mixed vegetables, and ice cream for dessert. The cost of the dinner is $12 per person and will be catered by employees of Chef Johnna. Contact Bill Patterson by phone at 922-6965 or transmit an email message to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 3:00 p.m. Sunday, January 6, if you plan on attending and eating with us.
At 5:00 p.m., you can join others in the Upper Hall to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet for family, Church, our nation, world peace, and your personal intentions. Social gathering in the Lower Hall is from 5:00 to 5:45 p.m. Dinner will be served before 6:00 p.m. After diner, we will have a short business meeting. Remember to sign up with Danny Murphy at the meeting to participate in our "Meals On Wheels" program for February.
The dinner for the evening will be Pork Loin w/Sangria Sauce, salad with crackers, sweet potatoes, mixed vegetables, and ice cream for dessert. The cost of the dinner is $12 per person and will be catered by employees of Chef Johnna. Contact Bill Patterson by phone at 922-6965 or transmit an email message to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 3:00 p.m. Sunday, January 6, if you plan on attending and eating with us.