As the Church struggles with the unsettling crisis of clerical abuse of chldren and young adults, it might be helpful to open two programs that deal with the problem of evil and sin in the world, the need for repentance and the grace of God's mercy and forgiveness. The first is Edward Sri's Who Am I to Judge? and the second is Jimmy Akin's The Problem of Evil. While these programs do not heal directly with the current crisis, they do lay the groundwork for our understanding of the frailty of human nature, the dangers of sin without repentance, and God's love for all, saints and sinners alike.
If you have registered as a FORMED user, you can find links to these programs by using the search function on the FORMED homepage. If you haven't registered yet, just type into your browser, enter the parish's code - CNT7WK - on the homepage, and create a password for your continued use of the website.
If you have registered as a FORMED user, you can find links to these programs by using the search function on the FORMED homepage. If you haven't registered yet, just type into your browser, enter the parish's code - CNT7WK - on the homepage, and create a password for your continued use of the website.