Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
sacred heart of jesusParish Life, with the help of the Ladies of the Sacred Heart, will be sponsoring dinner for the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus on June 8, 2018 at 6:15 p.m. after the 5:00 p.m. Mass.  Dinner will be catered by Corky's Ribs and BBQ.  Dinner menu includes pulled pork, chopped chicken and smoked sausage.  There will also be coleslaw, baked beans, and potato salad.  Dessert (to be announced) will also be available.

Sign-up sheets will be in the narthex beginning Saturday, May 26, until Sunday, June 3.  Please join us for delicious food and fellowship while  we celebrate The Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus!

If you have questions, please call Jennifer Rivera at 928-358-9069 or Sherrie Nichols at 617-733-1395.