On April 16, the Church remembered St. Bernadette of Lourdes one of the saints to whom many in this parish were introduced as children when she was presented as a model of youthful piety and holiness. You can reaquaint yourself with the life of St. Bernadette by making use of the resources of FORMED.org. There are two programs that you might want to check out: an audio - St. Bernadette of Lourdes and a film - The Passion of Bernadette.
If you have registered as a FORMED user, you can access these resources in the seach bar on the homepage by entering the title you want. If you haven't registered yet, just type FORMED.org into your browser, enter the parish's code - CNT7WK - on the FORMED homepage, and create a password for your continued use of the website, allowing you unlimited access to its library of materials.
If you have registered as a FORMED user, you can access these resources in the seach bar on the homepage by entering the title you want. If you haven't registered yet, just type FORMED.org into your browser, enter the parish's code - CNT7WK - on the FORMED homepage, and create a password for your continued use of the website, allowing you unlimited access to its library of materials.