Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
Sacred Heart Men’s Club serves dinner to the students, parents and teachers of the Sacred Heart CCD Program.
The religious education program for grade school and high school students at Sacred Heart parish, called the CCD program, meets on Wednesday evening beginning at 6:30 PM.  The teachers are all volunteers, parents and parishioners who give their time to provide religious education.  Recognizing that it is challenging for parents to always get their children fed supper and to class by 6:30, the Director of the CCD Program, Angela Isaacs, asked the various organizations within the parish if they would provide supper for the students, teachers and parents one Wednesday evening a month during the school year. 

The parish organizations responded enthusiastically to this request.  Over the past school year the Ladies Guild, the Men’s Club and the Knights have provided a supper one Wednesday a month.  The meals have ranged from picnic style to sit down dinners and have included a wide variety of foods.  The students arrive at church at 6 PM and parents are invited.  They eat with their teacher and in addition to a great meal they usually enjoy a neat dessert including ice cream that is home made by Fr. Bill Elser, Sacred Heart’s Pastor.  The meal concludes in time for all to get to class, well fed and ready to learn.