Our committee has just completed our first year June 30, 2015. During the year we were contacted by 27 families that requested assistance from Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church. Some of the requests were referred to either government or other private agencies that could provide the help needed. Eighteen of these families received direct help from our committee with food, utility, rent, furniture, transportation and shelter. The help our committee provided benefited 40 children.
Family Assistance was allotted $13,000 for our yearly budget, and we received $1,840 from other agencies or private donations for specific individuals that we helped. We spent $14,481 on the 18 families we helped with financial assistance.
Committee members are: Ed Keearns, Tom and Cathy Ament, Dick Hill, Pamela Cox, Sheila Harrison, Don Ritter, Wayne Kapple, Gary Wolfer, Rebecca Huber and Marvin Young.