Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
Father Bill was traveling this past week and returns to the parish on Friday, October 17.
What a glorious Sunday afternoon it was in downtown Hot Springs. Around 52 people, 30 of whom were from Sacred Heart Church, stood or sat spread out for a stretch of the downtown Hot Springs roads and held signs which spoke of the reality that "Abortion Kills Children," "Pray for God's Mercy" and others.  We prayed quietly and did not respond when a few people made negative comments to us as they walked down the side walks.  A little boy, sadly, walked back and forth behind some of our group with a sign that said "Pro Choice," and he booed in our direction.  There are indeed many to pray for, that God will change their minds and hearts.

I appreciate those who came out for the "life Chain" for the first time.  My mother and brother Danny were with us for the first time.

I was told that my homily last weekend provided, if nothing else, a needed boost for those in our parish who are so active in the Pro-Life movement.  May God bless you for your diligent and ongoing efforts, especially for our children.
As we have begun "Respect Life" month, I pray that our prayers and actions this month and every month, will reflect a growing reverence for the gift of human life from conception until natural death.

This month we have numerous ways to give witness to the sanctity of human life.  We can give public witness this Sunday (October 5) from 2:00 to 3.30 p.m. by spending some time in downtown Hot Springs holding a Respect Life sign and silently praying for a greater respect for all human life.  We can go to Little Rock to pray in front of an abortion clinic and potentially save lives by our witness.  Finally, we can (and I hope everyone will) take a bably bottle and fill it with money through-out this month as we seek to support the efforts of organizations that help women decide to carry their babies to full term and welcome these gifts from God into their lives.

With the November elections looming, we need to inform ourselves of the candidates for public office and all their positions and records, especially on Pro-Life issues.  I pray we will be ready to vote for those who best follow and promote the values of the Gospel.