Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
There is an old song whose first verse says: "Where charity and love prevail, there God is ever found." God is present in our daily acts of love and charity.

I am blessed to see regular acts of charity here at Sacred Heart Church through people who weekly bring food or give monetary donations to support the efforts of Jackson House to feed the hungry in our community.  I see charity in action through the monetary gifts that are given to the monthly second collection that helps people in needy circumstances throughout the world.  I see charity in those who support and give to the fundraising activities of our Knights of Columbus, Men's Club and Ladies of the Sacred Heart throughout the year.  I see charity in what our parish gives to organizations in the Catholic Church and ouside the Catholic Church through some of the money that you give as stewardship to our parish.

This year's church budget has set aside, in addition to the amount that will be given to a variety of charities, $10,000 to be used to help individuals and families in the parish and outside the parish who are facing difficult or even dire circumstances and cannot meet their needs totally on their own.  A sub-committee of the Social Justice and Charitable Outreach Commission of our parish will do the legwork in deciding who to help and how much from these funds to use for each family who is in need.

Our loving God is present to us and through us in so many ways.  Let us all rejoice, not only in the finances, but also in the time and talent that is being given by so many in our parish to help those in need.  God bless you all!