Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
Though we have one of the smallest number of young people in a religious education program in the diocese, we are truly blessed with outstanding young people who are active in our parish and are making their mark in their secular lives as well.  Recently, Chloe Calhoun, Jonathan Semmler, Caroline Eisenhauer, and Camille Eisenhauer were recognized at the Governor's Mansion for being 4.0 grade-point-average students at Jessieville School.  Not long ago, Ashely Bonilla and Camille Eisenhauer were two of three students who placed in the Optimist Essay Contest.  When you see these young people, affirm them for their accomplishments and their active faith.  I know they have proud parents, and I want them to know that they have a parish that is proud of them as well.