Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
We are in the process of ordering our church calendars for the year 2025, and will be passing them out by the time we come to the end of 2024. While I look at the calendar every day to see what we, as a Church, are celebrating whether it be a saint or in the case of November 1 (All Saints), I notice that the color of the print is different (red) for solemnities that are Holy Days in which ALL Catholics are obliged (like for the Lord's Day) to attend and participate in Mass. I continue to pray that those who were not coming to Mass during COVID and were instead watching (and hopefully participating) on television or through the internet and have not returned to church for Mass, will somehow be inspired to come back, as we, as Catholics, are obliged under pain of mortal sin to do. I would hope that many more (than not) are coming to Mass every weekend (Saturday evening or Sunday) primarily because it is the best spiritual help that we have from Jesus. We are blessed to be together to listen to HIS WORD that instructs us and inspires us to live purposeful, meaningful and blessed lives with and in His name, and partake of the food and drink that is HIS Body and Blood, the foretaste of the paschal Feast of Heaven! Those of us who recognize the blessings of participating in person every weekend in the Holy Eucharist need to be aware of a change in expectation and obligation when it comes to the Solemnities of All Saints Day, November 1, The Immaculate Conception of Mary (this year December 9 because December 8 falls on a Sunday and will be celebrated as the Second Sunday of Advent), The Nativity of the Lord (December 25), Mary the Mother of God (January 1) and the Assumption of Mary (August 15). The Holy See has declared that all of these solemnities are to be celebrated by ALL THE FAITHFUL no matter what day of the week they fall each year. To be clear, we are ALL obliged to participate in a Mass in person for these solemnities every year from this time onward. This replaces what has been the reality in our country and I'm sure in some others, for a long time, that removed the OBLIGATION to attend Mass when these solemnities fell on a Monday or Saturday. There were reasons for this practice, which I won't get into now. I just want to say I am pleased about this change as it is emphasizing that these solemnities are important for us to celebrate with Mass and in other ways EVERY YEAR! PLEASE mark these days on your personal calendar and look forward to growing in grace and holiness by participating in Mass on these special solemnities at the days and times they are offered!