Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
"Variety is the spice of life".  This saying is something that many people take to heart and live by it,
counting and giving thanks for the blessings that come from it.  Our V.I.Ps for the month of August,
Gary and Ruth Wolfer are good examples of parishioners who have gotten and still are active in a
variety of ministries.

Ruth has been a parishioner here for 19 years. She got involved early on (through invitation) in the All
Saints Guild and became an active member, serving in 2008 as president of that guild.  She also became involved with the larger group of ladies in the Ladies of the Sacred Heart and participated in their many activities and fundraising endeavors.  She was elected to the pastoral council, was a member of the liturgy commission, and served as pastoral council president in 2012.  She has been a regular Eucharistic Adorer since the inception of Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration in 2013.  As the wife of Gary (October 6, 2012) she has supported Gary's active involvement in the Knights of Columbus and has volunteered to help at many Knights' fundraising events. 

Speaking of the Knights of Columbus, Gary, in sharing the variety of ministries and activities he has been and still is involved in, listed a litany of positions of leadership and accomplishments that have come through his membership in Council 10208.  He has been the Grand Knight twice which has led to numerous awards on the state level including receipt of the "Star Council" award.  He served a term as faithful navigator of our fourth degree assembly (the Father Victor A Bieberle Assembly) and has been serving as the color guard commander for a number of years now.  He is a member of the Sacred Heart Men's Club, works with parishioners on obtaining a niche in our columbarium, and is the lead person on our parish disaster relief team.  He serves in our liturgies as an altar server and Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion.

Needless to say, Gary and Ruth have both stepped up to the plate in more than a few instances and ways and have blessed our parish, our parishioners and others in countless ways over the years! They serve the Lord and others with a smile and don't hesitate to say yes when new needs arise!  A BIG thank you and God bless you to Gary and Ruth!