Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
Two of our hymns start out this way.  "Enter the journey.  Come to the song.  By God you are chosen, by name you are called to follow the vision, carry the cross.  Enter the journey of faith as fhe family of God."  The second says:  "We are companions on the journey, breaking bread and sharing life..."  Both of these songs bring out the reality that "our" journey happens with others and NOT by ourselves.  This obviously is speaking to all Christians who belong to the family of believers. 

The first question of those we are asked to ponder, answer, share as input for the worldwide synod of bishops in October of 2023 says: "How does the jorneying together happen in the local church."  Hopefully, many can answer that question in regards to the Sacraments we all receive, especially those that are celebrated over and over again.  That is one instance that the Church provides for our growth in the Lord that always has a "communal" aspect to it, even when we receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation which seeks to restore harmony between ourselves, God, and the entire community of believers who are affected by our sins. 

The priest stand "in persona Christi" (in the person of Christ) in all the Sacraments, and also is there in the name of those that we journey with in faith and often physically present with our brothers and sisters in Christ when we receive them.  It would hopefully be fruitful if we also ponder the ways that the Church community joins us and supports us in other aspects of our lives, firstly in our charity in the name of Jesus Christ to those in need and ongoing efforts to foster and maintain a more just and peace-filled country and world.  There is also the area of ongoing formation and instruction in the ways of our faith lives as Catholics that should always have the goal of leading us to share our faith with others whether it be believers or those who have yet to come to faith.  Another things for us to ponder and assess is the ways our parish community seeks to bring us together to grow in fellowship and in our relationship as brothers and sisters in Christ.  This would include spiritual and social gatherings where we pray together and/or play together. 

Lastly, besides other areas and way that you would come up with to name and share as we journey to our final home in heaven, please consider our liturgies (which normally means our Masses).  In what ways or means can we better "journey together" in our times of giving praise and thanks to God and growing stronger individually and communally in those times in which we are together.