As with so many of our V.I.P's (Very Important Parishioners) though there are many blessings that have come to the parish and to the persons who are given this well deserved recognition, my first thoughts about the Darnell's (Rick and Sandy), our V.I.P.'s for December is thanks to God and them for their roles in making the "Parking Lot Mass" work during the long months that it was offered.
Rick served as one of my "sound technicians" in setting up and running our "broadcast" of the Mass for people to hear and participate while staying in their cars. He came early to set up and stayed late to tear down in various and sometimes very difficult weather conditions (rain, heat or cold) and made sure our system was working EVERY time. Sandy often served as the sacristan of the parking lot Mass, who put together, brought out, and set up the vessels and books that were needed for the celebration of Mass and sometimes serve as an Extraordinary Minister of Communion at that Mass.
Besides this regular and valuable ministry that they so willingly did all the time we had that Mass, Rick has taken on leadership roles in our wonderful Knights of Columbus council and assembly as our audio/visual person which has been so valuable during COVID restrictions and in other positions of service. Sandy has served as a regular sacristan for quite awhile and has been coordinating our liturgical envioronment committee which especially involves a lot of effort in the Advent, Christmas, Lenten and Easter seasons. She is currently caring for a large number of Christmas poinsettias that had to be purchased early and need to last as long as possible during the upcoming Christmas season.
Sandy is also active in LOSH and as a captain in the St. Anthony Guild, as a Eucharistic Adorer, as a volunteer to take people to donctor's appointments and/or to church for Mass, and as a rosary maker in our parish and in other places for many years. Rick offers to use his computer, website and other technical skills to help parishioners and others in need even as he continues to work to make a living from home.
I have come to appreciate all of this about the Darnell's (much of which is behind the scenes) and their willingness to step up and do what is needed with a kind and welcoming demeanor. If you know the Darnell's please speak a word of thanks to them or even if you don't know them personally, consider e-mailing a short note of thanks (Rick at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Sandy at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or call to their home at 501-725-1296. We are truly blessed by their presence and efforts in living their Catholic Faith out in these and other ways.
Rick served as one of my "sound technicians" in setting up and running our "broadcast" of the Mass for people to hear and participate while staying in their cars. He came early to set up and stayed late to tear down in various and sometimes very difficult weather conditions (rain, heat or cold) and made sure our system was working EVERY time. Sandy often served as the sacristan of the parking lot Mass, who put together, brought out, and set up the vessels and books that were needed for the celebration of Mass and sometimes serve as an Extraordinary Minister of Communion at that Mass.
Besides this regular and valuable ministry that they so willingly did all the time we had that Mass, Rick has taken on leadership roles in our wonderful Knights of Columbus council and assembly as our audio/visual person which has been so valuable during COVID restrictions and in other positions of service. Sandy has served as a regular sacristan for quite awhile and has been coordinating our liturgical envioronment committee which especially involves a lot of effort in the Advent, Christmas, Lenten and Easter seasons. She is currently caring for a large number of Christmas poinsettias that had to be purchased early and need to last as long as possible during the upcoming Christmas season.
Sandy is also active in LOSH and as a captain in the St. Anthony Guild, as a Eucharistic Adorer, as a volunteer to take people to donctor's appointments and/or to church for Mass, and as a rosary maker in our parish and in other places for many years. Rick offers to use his computer, website and other technical skills to help parishioners and others in need even as he continues to work to make a living from home.
I have come to appreciate all of this about the Darnell's (much of which is behind the scenes) and their willingness to step up and do what is needed with a kind and welcoming demeanor. If you know the Darnell's please speak a word of thanks to them or even if you don't know them personally, consider e-mailing a short note of thanks (Rick at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Sandy at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or call to their home at 501-725-1296. We are truly blessed by their presence and efforts in living their Catholic Faith out in these and other ways.