Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
After the flooding rains, God sent a rainbow as a sign to Noah and those on the ark.  Of course, we all recall that story in the Old Testament when the colorful bow in the sky was given as a perpetual promise that there would never again be a worldwide flood to purge the earth of its many sinful people.  Given all the sinfulness in the world today, we should take comfort in this promise from God (though there are other ways God could bring an end to this world).  That is a topic for another pastor's column.

I brought up the story of Noah and the flood because that story came to my mind last Saturday as we concluded the 6:30 p.m. outdoor Mass.  After we set up a portable canopy to create cover for the table, ambo and radio equipment, the skies opened and we had flooding type rains for a good twenty minutes.  Cars continued to come as we did or best to keep items and people dry under the canopy and continually pushed water out that was pooling on the top of the canvas canopy.

As we neared the start of Mass (about 6:27), the rain subsided rather quickly and for all but the very first part of Mass there was no rain falling.  During the last part of the distribution of Communion to people in their cars, the sun started to peak through the clouds, and as Mass ended, someone pointed toward the eastern sky where a beautiful and large rainbow had apperared amidst a light drizzle that lasted for a short time.  I and others who were there truly believed that this was a sign from God for us that all our efforts to set up and offer Mass, and the people in the 65 cars that braved the elements were rewarded with a beautiful (and much cooler) Mass and a wonderful sense of God's presence in Word and Sacrament but also in one of his beautiful creations, the rainbow.

If you still are reluctant to join us for Mass in the church, (and I am pleased to say our numbers are increasing in our indoor Masses), please consider coming to our parking lot Mass.  With technology allowing those who come to hear the Mass clearly on their radio, and if needed keeping your car air conditioner going (as long as your gas tank is not extremely close to empty) you can participate fully in the Mass and receive Holy Communion in your car, with arms held out of the window.

We try to make it easy in and easy out with your cars and a unique experience of Mass that you can talk about with your family and friends.  I know that I will be talking about that parking lot Mass on June 20, 2020, and God's sign to us, for many years to come!!