Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
As I found myself overwhelmed by the thought of trying to respond as quickly but carefuly to the bishop's directives that will lead us to start offering public Masses again, I know that the help of the liturgy committee of the parish is something I can count on, but sadly it is now and will be missing a key component that I have been able to count on in the area of liturgy AND in other ministries for almost 10 years, Deacon John Froning.  I know, as well, that many in the parish will miss both he and his wife, Nancy, who not only supported Deacon John in his Diaconate ministry, but was also active in ministries like LOSH (where she was president for a year), as a Eucharistic minister to shut-ins and on our liturgical enviornment committee.  The lovely draperies we have in the sanctuary for the various liturgical seasons as well as vestments for the Celebrant and Deacon at Mass will be reminders to us of the Fronings' generosity and desire to beautify the area which is the focus of our liturgies.  

It was obvious to those who listened that Deacon John's homilies were well planned and both challenged and comforted us who were blessed to hear them over the years.  I and countless others asked Deacon John for a copy of some of his homilies for further reflection as we wanted to "ponder" his words that obviously came from the Lord because of his prayerfulness and study of Holy Scripture and his life experiences.  Hopefully, we will treasure words such as these that were spoken more than a few times by Deacon John in various homilies; "we are all called to love as God loves and who God loves..........which is everyone!  He prepared high school Confirmation parishioners along with Nancy, instructed people who desired to enter the community of the Catholic faith, helped and counseled people through the annulment process, visted the sick and comforted the bereaved in their time of loss, including leading widows and widowers through their grief to hope for their future.  He gave valuable input in many parish and finance council meetings.

Only as time goes on will we both appreciate what Deacon John and Nancy did with some of the gifts God has given them, and grieve not having them around for their friendship and encouraging demeanors.

Due to current restrictions because of the Coronavirus, we are unable to have a nice appreciation and farewell parish gathering for the Fronings.  Cards of appreciation are still being accepted at the church office which will be sent to them at their new address in Tennessee.  They have happily agreed to return when we can have such a gathering when we can, as individuals and as a parish family wish them well in their future life in Franklin, Tennessee, hoping they will find other opportunities to return to be with our parish family that I know they love.

Removing the "Deacon Chair" in the sanctuary of our altar area will be a tough thing to do, as I have been as some of you have to experience 5 deacons serving the priests and the people of Sacred Heart Church at Masses, other ligurgies and in many other ways.  They all served with distinction and enriched our faith lives in ways that give the glory to the Lord, whom they and their spuses love and willingly serve(d).  God's blessings be always with Deacon John and Nancy!!