Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
When I first read the Gospel for this weekend (Matthew 5:38-48), I immediately thought of Arthur Brooks.  He is a conservative author who was the main speaker at the recently held National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C. which was attended by more than a few of our nationally elected officials.  In it he spoke of what he believes is "the biggest crises facing our nation and many other nations today: It's the crises of contempt and polarization that is tearing our societies apart."  He then quotes Matthew 5:43-44 where Jesus says, "You have heard that it was said, love your neighbor and hate your enemy.   But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you."  He goes on to say that there are some people who advocate breaking the habit of contempt with more civility and tolerance.  He argues that that is a low standard and that Jesus taught that people should not 'tolerate your enemies' but 'love your enemies.'  Answer hatred with love.  His "homework" for those who were there was, among other things to "ask God to give you the strength to do this hard follow Jesus' teaching and ask God to take political contempt from your heart." 

Not surprisingly, there were some there who are sadly not ready to follow Brooks' advice and the country will continue to hurt for that.  I can only pray that all of us who hear the challenging call of Jesus will ask for the grace that is needed to strive to "be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect," (Matthew 5:48) in treating people with Christian love, both those we agree with and those we don't agree with.  We can be the light of Christ's love in the midst of the darkness of contempt and polarization AND encourage others to do so.  The blessings that come to individuals and to our country will certainly be many if we take the teaching of Christ in this and all other areas seriously!  I hope you join me in applause of Mr. Brooks sobering but needed presentation at the National Prayer Breakfast!