Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
This past Tuesday's first reading (Acts 4:32-37) spoke of some of the realities of the earliest post-Resurrection believers, including their generous spirit to provide support for the neediest among them.  This is described in terms of the sale of property, with the proceeds being given to the apostles to use as they saw fit.  It was, no doubt, the Holy Spirit that inspired such bold and generous actions among the early Christians.  Now, 2000 years later, I rejoice that the Holy Spirit is still inspiring actions of generosity in Christ's disciples.  I am praying for that inspiration in more of us when it comes to the needs that have been expressed to us through the Catholic Arkansas Sharing Appeal (CASA).

If you have not as yet made a one-time gift or a pledge to CASA, it is certainly not too late to do so.  Envelopes can be found in the pews or on the long tables in the narthex.  In addition, I know that there is a real need, right now, for more people to make themselves available when they can drive people, who can no longer drive to appointments and perhaps to the groery store, through our Helping Hands Ministry.  Our list of drivers has shrunk due to sickness, age and death, and we need MORE.

If the number of parishioners we have, would offer themselves for this work of mercy and charity at least once a month, we would not only meet the needs of our parishioners, but we could also reach out to the larger community and lend a helpig hand, which is something Pope Francis wants us to do (reach out beyond the boundaries of our parish in almost everything we do).  Please pray for the inspiration of the Holy Spirit for you and your fellow parishioners in this and in future needs.  If you want to share in the Helping Hands ministry as a driver or find out what other ways you can help please call Pat Widlowski at 922-1395 or Cathy Wedwick at 915-8456.

We are once again in need of a person, persons, or even a couple to run our "Singles Ministry" in the parish.  If  you might be interested and want to get more information about it, please call me at 209-2502.  The potential membership in this group is large and the benefits of having opportunites for Singles to get together for fun, fellowship and other purposes, are many.  Please, at least, pray that this ministry will have a new leader or leaders soon.