Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
Someone recently sent to me a quote from Paul Harvey:  "In times like these, it is good to remember that there have always been times like these."  That is true, and is good for us to remember as we contemplate the recent Supreme Court decision on Marriage.

In the days of St. Paul's ministry, he encountered communities like in Corinth that he described as being "perverse" in more than a few ways.  He did his best to steer the Christian Corinthian Community in the right direction and encourage them to have a "Christ-like" influence in the wider community in which they lived.  So, too, we are blessed with good leadership from our bishops (and particularly our bishop, Anthony Taylor) on the issue of the ramifications and challenges facing us in light of the Supreme Court decision calling same sex unions, marriages.

I invite all of you to read carefully Bishop Taylor's statement dated June 30, 2015 and found in our bulletin this week. He makes some excellent and strong points worth reflecting on, and acting on as we all choose (hopefully) not to be silent on something that is bad for our country and the moral atmosphere - which we believe should ALWAYS reflect the mind, heart and teachings of Jesus Christ.

Prayers for our elected AND appointed officials are truly needed greatly at this time.  Also, prayers for our fellow citizens is important, that we will all be led to ways of thinking and action that will strive to make and keep this nation "blessed by God" and a blessing to other nations in the world.

I hope we are all looking forward to Pope Francis' visit to our country in September.  May his voice ring as loudly and clearly as Bishop Taylor's recent statement and echo loudly in the minds and hearts of people of faith and all other people across this land.