Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
On the Solemnity of Corpus Christi (June 7), the homily spoke of the Blood of Christ as part of the New Covenant God made through Christ's Passion, Death and Resurrection.  Receiving the Blood of Christ at Mass is one means for us to renew our part of the Covenant.  The Preface for "Corpus Christi" says ". . .When we drink His Blood which was poured out for us, we are washed clean."  While the Church teaches that if we choose to take the Body of Christ, we are certainly receiving the entire Christ, the Church offers and encourages reception of the Blood of Christ at Mass whenever it is offered.

I couldn't help but notice at one Mass during the Corpus Christi weekend, that a few ministers of the Precious Blood, ran out of consecrated wine before the distribution of Communion was finished.  As a result, we are planning, sometime in the near future, to offer two cups with the Precious Blood at each of our Communion stations.  To do this, we need more people to step forward to be Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion at Mass.  To qualify, a person must be regularly practicing their faith, in good standing with the Church, and have a love and reverence for Jesus, present in His Body and Blood.  A one-time session of catechesis and training is required before a person is commissioned by the bishop for a three-year term of ministry (which can be renewed).  If you are interested in serving The Lord and the parish in this ministry, please contact Deacon Larry at 922-3283 or Deacon John at 226-5506.  We want those who want to receive the Body and Blood of Christ to not be deterred from doing this by the long lines at the cup stations.

Please pray about making yourself available for this ministry.  Schedules are made in advance, in case people are going to be out of town and can't serve for a weekend or more.