Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
If anyone ever guesses that you are younger than you are, I'm sure you are quick to thank them.  I know I would.  If, however, someone were to state mine (or another priest's) years of ordination, and it were to be less than what has actually been served, then I would usually be quick to correct him/her.  I, along with other priests, are thankful to God for every year that we have served the Lord and His people in this blessed vocation.  When word initially was communicated by e-mail, that I was celebrating the completion of 24 years of priesthood, I realized that I came to Sacred Heart Parish only a few weeks after I had celebrated my 24th anniversary.  I'll always treasure the effort that the parish put forth to help me celebrate my silver anniversary of ordination on May 31, 2011.

I have now completed five years as your pastor, which means 29 total years of priesthood.  I thank all who continue to encourage me in my priesthood and thank me, and especially the Lord, for my service as a priest.  As I give thanks for the ways God has helped me to grow in my priestly life.  I acknowledge humbly, and regretfully at times, that I stumble, and at times, even fall flat of my face, in my encounters with people; and for that, I ask forgiveness and continued prayers to help me do better.  I especially want to thank those who gave me cards (and some gifts) on the occasion of my 29th anniversary of ordination to the priesthood including Jim Dyar who presented me with (at our Sacred Heart Dinner) one of his works of art - a crucifix with a Sacred Heart in the middle.  I look forward to whatever time the Lord gives me in the future to serve your needs in His name.  Please help me to be the best that I can for you.  Also, before we get too far away from it, I want to thank Ruth Wolfer, and all those she recruited, to make our time with John Michael Talbot a blessing and a memorable experience.