Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
I write this pastor's column on "Giving Tuesday."  While I don't know much about it, I applaud any effort that encourages people to give of their time, talent, and/or treasure for people in need.

We are preparing, during the Advent season, for the annual celebration of the greatest gift God gave to all of humanity in need, that of Himself in the person of Jesus Christ.  Among the many blessings He was, is and always will be, is His generous spirit which has been contagious for over two thousand years.  As I see that spirit alive and working in so many generous people in this church community, I pray that more will catch this spirit and be giving in so many ways on Tuesday, Wednesday, and every day of the week.

We are concluding another Angel Tree effort, and many children will certainly benefit from those who took angels from the tree.  If you did not do this, I invite you in the next few weeks, to bring toys and games (unwrapped), and put them in the designated box in the narthex or the hallway leading to our Education and Administration wing.  These will be given to needy children in Garland County through the Jackson House in Hot Springs.

I also want to thank those who contributed thoughtfully and generously to the special collection this weekend for the Retired Religious Fund.  If you forgot to bring a contribution this weekend, please bring it next weekend, or mail it to the Church office.  Please make all checks payable to Sacred Heart Church, writing, "Retired Religious Fund" on the memo line or on the envelope.  Many brothers and sisters in religious orders throughout the country who were generous to so many for so many years, will be the beneficiaries of our generosity to them.

God bless all of you who truly believe that it is better to give than to receive.