Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
Harveys ChapelDonations for Harvey's Chapel, Mountain Pine.  Used clothing, linens, towels, bedding, kitchen items.  Label and place in the closet to the left of the front entrance of our church.  Pick up and delivery every Monday.  Questions?  Contact, Linda or Tom Luyet at 501-472-0690.
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Our parish provides the membership and the benefits to your are endless.  If you have questions, please contact Janet Liszka at 501-922-0103.  She will be happy to assist you.

5 month fetus in wombYou may begin to feel your baby move, since he or she is developing muscles and exercising them.  This first movement is called quickening.  Hair begins to grow on baby's head.  Your baby's shoulders, back, and temples are covered by a soft fine hair called lanugo.  This hair protects your baby and is usually shed at the end of the baby's first week of life.  The baby's skin is covered with a whitish coating called vernix caseosa.  This "cheesy" substance is thought to protect baby's skin from the long exposure to the amniotic fluid.  This coating is shed just before birth.  By the end of the fifth month, your baby is about 10 inches long and weighs from 1/2 to 1 pound.
Pastoral CouncilThe following parishioners have generously volunteered to serve on the Pastoral Council for a 2 year term:  Barb Potter (Social Justice), Jo Ann Arnold (Liturgy), Linda Durrett (Education), and Gerald Krawczynski (Parish Life).  Their terms begin January 2020.  We still require additional parishioners for each of the commissions themselves.  For example, you might want to get more active in the Liturgy Commission (altar servers, lectors, ushers) or in Social Justice (Respect Life, Helping Hands).  Please contact Rebecca Huber at 501-844-7656 if you would like to volunteer or for more information.
Offering EnvelopesFor year 2020, Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church will have offertory envelopes mailed bimonthly to the homes of parish families wishing to use "hard copy" offertory envelopes for their tithing.  It is of the UTMOST IMPORTANCE that we have your current mailing address.  Please contact the front office if in doubt of us having your correct mailing address.  Also, PLEASE update the front office if you DO NOT want "hard copy" offertory envelopes.  Offerings may be given via online electronic giving.  This is a simple process.  You may contact the front office for any easy to follow instruction sheet or for any additional assistance.
Wedding BellsParishioners, Brett George and Nancy Olivier, were joined together in the sacrament of Holy Matrimony on Friday, November 8, 2019.

May God's Blessings be with this new couple as they proceed together in life's journey of God's love and happiness forever.

God is love, and those who remain in love remain in God and God remains in them.  ~1 John 4:16~
Pastoral CouncilParish Council Elections are just around the corner.  We are looking for candidates interested in any of the commissions:  Liturgy, Education, Social Justice/Charitable Outreach and Parish Life.  Please call me for an explanation of what is involved in being on the council, and to find out more about the focus of the various commissions.  This is a two year term.  There is no obligation when you call to find out about these opportunities.  This is a great way to be involved in the parish!  Rebecca Huber, 501-844-7656 or e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
4thDegreelogoPlease remember to join us for our next Assembly Membership Meeting.  Our 4th Degree members will meet on Tuesday, November 26, in the Lower Hall.  The meeting will begin with a Rosary at 5:00 p.m., followed by a social, dinner and meeting.  This meeting will be of special interest to all Sir Knights who have joined the Assembly in the past 18 months.  Our theme for this meeting will be our Assembly's namesake, Fr. Victor Bieberle.  Join us as we review his life, love for the Knights and passion to bring Christ's word to his flock.  For planning purposes, please e-mail me This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call me 501-204-1192 if you intend to be there.  If you have already advised me, no need to do so again.
baby bottleKofC 10208 is conducting our annual Baby Bottle Campaign beginning October 5 and ending on Sunday, November 3.  Baby bottles were distributed at the 5:00 Mass on October 5 and on Sunday, October 6 at both Masses.  The goal this year is to continue to fund the use of an ultrasound machine at the New Beginnings Pregnancy Resource Center, provide financial support to Change Point Pregnancy Center, provide financial support to Arkansas Pregnancy Resource Center, and provide financial support to Arkansas Right to Life organization.  What a great feeling it is when you know that you have helped save a life!  Please return the baby bottle with your generous donation to the playpen in the Narthex during weekend Mass times or the church office on weekdays between 8:00 a.m. and 12 noon.  We ask you to open your heart and be generous for thse beautiful unborn children of God.  Thank you for your continued generosity.
Perpetual AdorationThe 6th Anniversary of Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration will be celebrated on Sunday, November 17, 2019.  Holy Hour, Benediction and Silent prayer will begin at 2:00 p.m. in the Main Church.  Please join us following Holy Hour, Benediction and prayers in the Lower Hall for a Social celebrating of our 6th Anniversary.
Thanksgiving 2It has been a long tradition in the Village for all the Churches to join together in a Community Thanksgiving Service.  This year Village United Methodist Church at 200 Carmona Drive has volunteered to host the Service.  The Service will be held on Tuesday, November 26, 2019 at 3:00 p.m. and all Village Churches, congregations and clergy are invited and encouraged to attend and participate.  Deacon John will be representing Sacred Heart of Jesus and participating in the Service.  This is a wonderful opportunity for us to join with our fellow Christians to praise and thank God for the many wonderful gifts and blessings he has bestowed on us, yesterday, today and in the future.

Mark the date, time and place on your calendar and plan to attend the Community Thanksgiving Service.  It would be great to have one or two volunterrs to help as ushers or greeters.  If you are willing, please contact Deacon John at 501-226-5506.
Rosary2The Rosary Makers of Sacred Heart has sent over 100,000 rosaries all over the world.  This translates roughly into 1,200 pounds of prayers being shipped.  The Rosary Makers are a small but prolific group that hand make each rosary of cord and beads.  We ship to any group requesting them from hospitals to prisons to street evangelists.  We meet every Thursday after 9:00 a.m morning Mass.  For more information, please contact Marge Newburn at 501-922-9047.
centering prayerThis group meets on Saturdays at 11:00 a.m. in the Upper Hall.  Everyone is welcome.  For more information, you can Google "Centering Prayer" or call Maureen Halloran Morley at 228-342-0491.
animalsSt. Francis of Assisi (1182-1226), patron saint of animals and ecology, is known for his love for God's creation.  His feast day is celebrated October 4.

You are invited to bring your family pet(s) to the front of the church for a blessing on Saturday, October 5.  Father Bill will be having two separate blessings:

  • 1:00 p.m. for our furry DOG pets and;
  • 1:30 p.m. for our cuddly CATS and other small pets

Please contain your pet(s) on a leash or in a cage for comfort of those participating.
Thanksgiving1Once again, we will be celebrating Thanksgiving dinner in the Lower Hall on Thanksgiving Day, November 28, at 12:00 noon.  Chef Johnna is catering this event, and the menu includes:  turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans, sweet potatoes, and dinner rolls.  Beer and wine will be available.  Please consider bringing a "family favorite" dessert to share or volunteer to help with set up, serve or clean up.  Sign up sheets are in the narthex with a final deadline of November 24th.

The cost of each plate is $10.  Donations are encouraged to help pay for the meal.  Join us for some delicious food and wonderful fellowship!  Share in conversation and laughter while thanking God for the gifts we have been granted.  Please contact Cindy Lefler at 915-0127 with any questions.
Blood DriveThe next Arkansas Blood Institute Blood Drive supported by the Knights of Columbus and hosted by the Village United Methodist Church, 200 Carmona Road, is 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 12, 2019.  Previous donors with e-mail addresses have been sent an e-mail reminder.  New donors may contact Tina at 501-352-5491.  Thank you, in  advance, for sharing your "gift of life."