Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas

Every time we come into our beautiful church in the month of November, we are reminded that the whole month of November is the month of All Souls. November is a time (in our part of the world) where we see the leaves falling after changing colors which can speak to us of the reality of death. Some of the scripture readings that are proclaimed at the Sunday Masses tell us that Jesus is coming again at the end of time in his glory and if that "time" is beyond our earthly existence, then he will come to us when our journey in this life is over. We also see the envelopes on the altar with the names of deceased loved ones and the "Memorial Table" with the Easter Candle lit beside it during Mass has images of those we wish to lift up to the Lord who have left us in body to be with the Lord. Though in EVERY Mass that is celebrated throughout the year, we pray for the dead at least once (toward the end of the Eucharistic Prayer), at the beginning of this month, as you know, we celebrated All Souls Day not only with a special Mass, but also with visits to our cemetery and columbarium garden. There we offered special prayers for those who are interred in those places. This year I was blessed to lead prayers at our columbarium garden, at Cedarvale Cemetery and at a con-celebrated Mass at the Catholic cemetery in Hot Springs, (Calvary) where I personally know more than a few of those buried there including priests, nuns and my own father. I believe I started a tradition here a number of years ago of taking time after general prayers are offered for all in their places of rest to go to the individual places of loved ones of those who have joined me for the prayers and pray an individual prayer for their loved one and sprinkle the site with holy water. I'm impressed that most of those who join me will walk around even in Cedarvale which is so spread out, to pray for each other's loved ones until all have had prayers prayed for them. This is a wonderful sign of our connection with each other as brothers and sisters in the Lord in life and in death, and we pray, one day in everlasting glory. I hope I will remember to remind all of you of this tradition and encourage you to join us not only for the Mass, but also if you have loved ones in the places I spoke of in Hot Springs Village to join me there. All Souls Day (in a special way) and the month of November offer us the special opportunity to pray for our deceased loved ones that they will benefit from our prayers for them (if they need it) for their purification before seeing God face to face. Hopefully our loved ones and our brothers and sisters in the Lord will do the same for us one day. Also, consider (if you don't already,) joining your fellow parishioners in asking that your deceased loved ones receive the benefits of Masses that are offered specifically for them throughout the year. Just drop by the office or call the office with your request. You are encouraged, but not required, to give the priest who offers the Mass a stipend of at least $10. Mass cards can be given to you to send to family members of the deceased.