Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
It is not unusual when going to the polls to vote (which I hope and pray you have done or will do this Tuesday and every election), to find some candidates names on the ballot who are unopposed for the office they are seeking. Odd, however it would be, to find an office that needs a person to fill it and see under that office something that says "no candidates". Given the sad realities in political life in general, it shouldn't come as a surprise that fewer people want to "serve" their country in elected office and perhaps even fewer who are truly doing so with an altruistic mentality. I hope such is not the case when it comes elected offices in a parish such as ours. It is indeed a blessing in the years since Vatican Council II that the Church established parish councils to assist and advise pastors when it comes to all the activities and ministries that are going on in a parish. I know there are more than a few of you who are reading this pastor's column who have been elected and served in this capacity in this or in other parishes in the past. It is valuable and appreciated for the pastor and parish to have people who want to serve the Lord in this and/or in other ways. Efforts here at Sacred Heart Parish through word of mouth and personal invitation have resulted in two people running for parish council in the ministry of religious education, one in liturgy and social justice, and none in parish life. As you can tell, we are not ready yet for an election to fill four and maybe five positions on the parish council. While asking all our parihioners to pray that potential candidates will see this (and the insert in the bulletin) and step forward SOON, I also hope and pray that some  of you will consider offering yourself in service to your parish in this important way. Any of the current parish council members can tell you personally about what their commission does. Their names and phone numbers are below the descriptions of what each commission does. By now, I hope at least some of you are wondering about the commitment involved if you offer yourselves to be on the ballot in the near future to serve, if elected by your fellow parishioners to serve on the Sacred Heart Parish Council. First of all, it is a two year commitment to serve on the council (which meets six times a year, every other month). The same COULD BE the case for your time on one of the four commissions, each of which meets six time a year, usually on the months that the parish council does not meet. I said "could be" because a person who goes off the parish council can choose to remain a member of that commission for as long as they want to do so. Serving on the parish council and simultaneously on one of our commissions helps a person;

1)  to get to know more people in the parish
2)  come to know more about the parish beyond the celebration of Mass
3)  provides forums for a person to give input that can be valuable to me an your fellow parishioners as       we work to to reach a consensus on a variety of issues

Whether you have served the Lord and a parish in this way in the past OR NOT, we need you to help fill out the ballot (as a candidate) and bless our parish with your time and talent AND be blessed by the Lord in countless ways for your efforts. Call me (501-209-2502) or Barb Potter (501-762-3103) to find out more and/or to say "Yes, I want to serve."