Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
I have decided to do a follow-up to the statement of Archbishop Lori "Building a Culture of Life in a Post Roe v Wade World" which I presented in place of my homily the weekend of October 15/16. First of all, I urge all of you to "Google" "Archbishop Lori/pro-life and read and reflect on the statement yourself. I offer some reflections today in this pastor's column. Archbishop Lori not only indicated that our country (thankfully) has recently undergone a paradigm shift with regard to federal law with the recent Supreme Court decision (Dobbs) that now gives legal protection to the most innocent and vulnerable human beings, the child in the mother's womb!! The challenge, however, remains not only in the states which, unfortunately, can enact (and some have already enacted) legislation that does not protect the right to life of the unborn child, but also, and really firstly, in the hearts of men and women that they will be led (and our younger people formed) in a basic mentality "that we belong to one another" (St. Teresa of Calcutta). That "we" is every human being created in the image and likeness of God, INCLUDING the person in a mother's womb. The key word is "solidarity" between mother and child and the network that includes the father, the extended family as well as neighbors and fellow citizens. In a post-Roe world (according to Archbishop Lori) we need to undergo a deeper paradigm shift that the late Pope (now Saint) John Paul II described as a radical solidarity which makes the  good of others our own good!! This means proclaiming and living the truth that abortion firstly kills a pre-born child AND also wounds woment and men, families and our nation as a whole. The Gospel call to love and compassion should not only reach out to bring healing, but also lead us in encounters with those who do not see the truth in its fullness. (I'll speak more of this hopefully in the next pastor's column) Those agencies and ministries that are focused on helping and even walking with pregnant women and mother and child after the baby is born, need our continued and even greater support! This includes adoptive services that seek to help a mother who is ill-equipped in more than a few ways to raise a child to give their child to a husband and wife who can raise the child in a loving and functional home. While much of Archbishop Lori's statement seems directed at the "dangers" of a society that does not promote a culture of life starting with the unborn child and families, he also is saying that this loving, compassionate, mind and heart must reach out to support and protect people at all stages of life, including as people grow older and their health of mind and/or body starts to deteriorate. The promotion of "mercy killing" (euthanasia) and even assisted suicide in minds, hearts and even laws  must change for the good of our society and firstly for all its precious people until their natural death! (I plan to write more about this, including hospice care in a future pastor's column).