Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
Mercy, Mercy, Mercy were the words I used to describe the emphasis of the three readings from the Bible (Ex 32:7-11, 13-14, 1 Tim 1:12-17, and Lk 15:1-32) that were proclaimed at last weekend's Masses.  I also brought up the many ways we have been challenged and blessed during this Extra-ordinary Year of Mercy by our Pope and by the prayers, reading, study and activities we have been afforded during this year.  I also brought up my perception that the number of people, at least in this parish, who are affording themselves the blessing of God's mercy, grace and peace through the Sacrament of Reconciliation, has been LESS, NOT MORE during this special year.  Since we have three months left, I urge you to consider coming to Jesus and letting Jesus come to you in this wonderful sacrament.  Just as people generally agree that exercise is good and healthy for us, but so many don't take the first step to begin exercising themselves, so while many (I hope) would agree that the Sacrament of Confession is "good and healthy" for the soul, many of us don' take the first step into the Reconciliation Room.  Any good habit, including a spiritual habit, only happens and keeps going by putting into one's schedule.  I would suggest receiving the sacrament of Confession at least once every two months, and put it on the schedule, as you no doubt do, with doctor's appointments and other things you regularly do.  I will try to help by being in the Reconciliation Room at the times I currently am:  Tuesday through Friday from 8:20 to 8:45 a.m., Saturday from 4:15 to 4:45 p.m., and Sunday mornings from 7:15 to 7:45 a.m. and 9:15 to 9:45 a.m.  In addition, at least until the end of the Jubilee Year, I will be in the Reconciliation Room after Mass until around 10:00 a.m. on weekdays and every Tuesday from 4:15 to 4:45 p.m.  Please note which of these times is best for you, and schedule it at least once or twice during the rest of the Jubilee Year of Mercy.  Also, please remember what I said this past weekend, it is most important in coming to the Sacrament of Reconciliation to have a contrite heart and a desire to receive and cooperate with God's grace to do better. It is NOT necessary to "remember" all my sins in kind or in number, since many of us now struggle with our memory.  Also, if you feel you are doing well, just profess that so we can celebrate it, and indicate "for any times I have failed in following Jesus and His ways in thought, word, or deed as I should, I am sorry," and we will proceed with a penance, Act of Contrition, and absolution.
This past week, I received the following testimony about a woman who has seen her life change in a significant way because she was inspired to go in to our Perpetual Eucharistic Chapel and spend time with the Lord.  I would like to use most of my pastor's column this week to share it with you and hope that some of you will be inspired to make a spiritual commitment each week to spend one scheduled hour with the Lord in our chapel.  It would be acceptable for you to do an hour each week without being "scheduled," but I believe that consistency of doing it at least once a week would be enhanced if you put it in your weekly schedule.

Once upon a time there was a lovely lady.  She lived in the Village and was somewhat content.  She was invited to attend Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration.  This lovely lady was not Catholic and knew very little about the Catholic Faith, but she was curious, so she said "yes."  She walked into church and felt a peace she had not known before; and then upon entering the Chapel, she felt a presence-and as she kneeled, she knew she was in the Presence of Jesus.  She was unable to describe all her emotions; she only knew she needed to come back and she needed to learn more about the Catholic Faith.  This lovely lady's life was changing; she loved our Lord Jesus, she loved the Church, and she had a happiness and peace she had never known.  She is taking the necessary steps to become Catholic, and she has four Adoration hours each week.  She explains that "her day is not complete until she says the Rosary, and she loves being in the Chapel with Jesus."

Sometimes when you are given this great blessing at birth, you do not truly comprehend what a miracle it really is.  Yes, Jesus is with you at all times with His Spirit, but through the grace of the Holy Spirit, we now have Jesus present in the chapel, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity.  Jesus is never alone in the Perpetual Adoration Chapel, and each member of our parish should have an hour.  Can you imagine inviting Jesus to our Chapel and not being there to adore Him?

Call Mike Kerwin at 922-1531, Sherrie Nichols at 617-733-1395, or Joan Smith at 922-1958 if you want to start taking an hour.
We have all heard the term "the calm before the storm" used in a variety of circumstances.  I find myself, in fact, thinking in such a way in regards to the atmosphere around Sacred Heart right now (or at least as I write this column).  It has been fairly calm, relatively speaking, during the summertime, as far as parish activities (except, of course, funerals of some dear people), but very soon things will pick up with the Men's Club and the Ladies of the Sacred Heart resuming their meetings and charitable activities along with our Knights of Columbus (which kept meeting this summer).  I pray that more of you men and women will consider participating in one of these group activities and fundraisers (according to gender of course), and that all of you will try to support the fundraisers of these groups as you can.  

We will also resume our adult education offerings, including a six-week study on "Divine Mercy" starting in October and, as always, we want to offer formation in the Catholic faith for those who might be interested in becoming Catholic. PLEASE let me know of anyone you have come across who has shown any interest in the Catholic faith.  I will be gentle in encouraging them in this direction to see what we can do for them, depending on their background and interest.  I can be contacted always through my cell phone at 501-209-2502 or by e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  

While I am covering upcoming activities and events, I want to announce that Rose Harrigan of our parish has been given the responsibility of coordinating our religious eduation classes and activities for our children and youth.  I'm confident she will do a good job, as I thank Terry Poldrack for the fine job she did in this position for the last two years.  

I hope you join me in having a positive outlook as we come toward the Fall time of the year and move toward the upcoming seasons of Advent, Christmas, Lent and Easter.  The possibilities for growth in our relationship with the Lord and others is great and obviously, the more we get involved the better.  Please also consider joing the many parishioners who are spending at least one hour each week with the Lord in Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration.  You might be pleasantly surprised at the peace and direction from the Lord that it brings.  Call Mike Kerwin at 922-1531 to find out how you can participate as a regular adorer or a substitute.