Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
"Time flies when you are having a good time," is a saying that many of us have heard, said and/or have agreed is true.  As one who is blessed to spend at least one holy hour with Jesus in Eucharistic Adoration in our chapel most every day, I would testify that a holy hour often goes quickly and fruitfully when I am in the presence of Jesus in the Monstrance on the altar.  Often I find myself just resting in the peace and love of the Lord.  Sometimes I engage in Scriptural reading and reflection as I pray the Lord's insight that will inform my mind and influence my actions in His name.  Ofen I bring people and needs before Him, and ask His help, comfort, strength and peace to win out over weakness, fear, and conflict.

Recently I have been reading a chapter of the book by Vinny Flynn, "Seven Secrets of the Eucharist" and ponder some of his insights on the gift of Jesus present to us in the Eucharist.  And I always take time to pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, praying that God's mercy will be experienced by us here as well as people throughout the world.

As we are celebrating the Fourth Anniversary of Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration at Sacred Heart Church, I give thanks that many of you have answered the call to come "be" with the Lord, in this unique and intimate setting.  It is truly wonderful to know that some have been faithful in this "Ministry of Adoration" for all four years.  I pray for those who have participated in this blessed activity and now rest in the peace of Christ.  Finally, I continue to pray that this ministry will continue to be strong and will be made stronger by more of you signing up to be a weekly adorer or offering yourself as a substitute when the need arises (and believe me that happens for various and good reasons).  While I would have a hard time ranking in importance all the ministries and acticities we have here at Sacred Heart, I can say for sure that number one on that list is Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration and from it flows many blessings seen, and many more unseen, that give praise to the Lord.  Please call Mike at 922-1531 to choose an hour that will be the most important hour of your week (after participating in Mass), because it is spent with the Lord!
Recently, I didn't get much of a response when I talked about the "Precepts" or some would say, Commandments, of the church.  I realize that it was probably a long time ago when most of us were taught these in Catholic School or in CCH classes.  The first one which obliges us to participate in Mass every Sunday and on Holy Days of Obligation dates back to the third century, and was proably a result of laxity when it came to the Faithful going to Mass.  The Precept was making a strong statement of how essential it is in our life as disciples of Jesus, to gather on the "Day of Resurrection" (every Sunday and Holidays of Obligation) to break open the Word and receive the Body and Blood of Christ.  Other "Precepts" were added at various times, to respond to unhealthy spiritual practices such as the laity not going to Communion because of a sense of unworthiness to do so.  The precepts to receive Communion at least once a year during the Easter Season and to confess one's sins at least once a year to a priest, are considered the "very necessary minimum" in the spirit of prayer and moral effort, in the growth in love of God and neighbor.  Obviously, the Church sees frequent reception of the Eucharist and Reconciliation as the best path to a holy and grace-filled life that directs us to our heavenly home.  In case you're wondering, the other precepts listed in the Catechism of the Catholic Church are observing the prescribed days of fast and abstinence and giving of one's financial and material goods according to one's ability to support the Church in all of its endeavors, works and needs.  (Cat. 2041-2043).
Do you want to be a Saint?  I hope you answered quickly, yes to that question.  If you did not, perhaps it was because you know that it is not an easy road that leads to Sainthood.  In fact, there are temptations toward ways of thinking and acting that are far from the mind and heart of God, and are as close as a "mouse click" or touching a remote control and choosing a channel on your television.  Those who are saintly are seeking to "connect" with God often and are "connecting" with others in loving and giving ways.  As in anything we choose, getting into healthy spiritual habits, like regular prayer time, good spiritual reading, and other activities, point us toward a closer union with God in keeping us on a "saintly path."

I hope you recognize and take advantage of a wonderful opportunity to grow in the love of the Lord and others by coming to all three nights of our mission this week with Mass each day at 6:30 p.m. and a talk during each Mass by our mission director, Father Bill Rhinehart, aVincentian priest who was recommened to us by Father Ron Hoye who gave a wonderful mission here a few years ago.  We will also offer the Sacrament of Anointing on Tuesday after Mass for those who are afflicted with a chronic illness, a serious illness, or a weakening physical or mental condition due to aging.  Honestly, those qualifications are met by quite a few of our parishioners.  Be open to receiving this healing, comforting, strengthening Sacrament and/or consider the forgiving Sacrament of Reconciliation through Father Rhinehart, each day of the mission from 5:30-6:20 p.m.  Even though we are still weeks away from the season of Advent, the reality is that any time is a good time to let the Lord come closer and deeper into our lives, and I'm confident that with the theme of "The Eucharist," we will receive many graces by trying to come to the mission all three nights.  On Monday night we will have an ice cream social after Mass, and we will close the mission with a food and drink reception after the Wednesday Mass.  Also, please know that we will take up a collection on Wednesday night to support the missionary efforts of the Vincentian priests.

See you Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evening.