Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
Bake SaleMembers of All Saints Guild will be selling baked goods the weekend of March 28/29 at the 5:00 Mass, as well as on Sunday at the 8:00 and 10:00 a.m. Masses.  See us before or after Mass.  We will have a variety of homemade goodies, and we invite all parishioners to come to Classrooms A/B and join in getting some fresh baked breads, muffins, cookies and cakes.
DreamersOur monthly movie, "Dreamer" will be shown on Friday, March 6, at 5:30 p.m. in the Lower Hall. The presentation shows us a story of a down-and-out horse trainer who rescues a once-great racehorse that's been severely injured. Supported by his daughter, he sets out to win the Breeders Cup Classic.  Actors are Kurt Russell, Dakota Fanning, Elisabeth Shue, Kris Kristofferson and Ken Howard.  No food will be served - just popcorn, beer, wine and soft drinks. Looking forward to seeing your there.
2015 Fr. Victor KarlsPlan to join us for any or all of our parish Lenten mission which will be given by Father Victor Karls (a Redemptorist priest) from March 1 through 4 here at Sacred Heart Church.  Father Vic's talks will be given starting Sunday, March 1, at 6:00 p.m. and will continue the next three days, with the choice for mission-goers of either 9:45 a.m. or 6:00 p.m. each of these days.  Opportunity will be given after both talks on Tuesday, March 2, for individual reception of the Sacrament of Reconciliation.  A parish mission is a great time to encourage and invite Catholics who are currently inactive in their practice of the faith to return.  Please come yourself and invite others to join you for this special Lenten experience!
Petit Jean spiral hamThe Knights of Columbus will be selling Petit Jean hams before and after the Masses March 21/22 and March 28/29. Ham products can be picked up at the church on March 31 or shipped anywhere in the United States.  All proceeds go to benefit children-in-need.  Please support this important charitable program.
2014 St. Johns students
Treasure Sale Director Chris Gleason presents an $8,000 check to St. John's Principal Angela Issacs, witnessed by pricing co-chair Claudia Keearns (Mary Anne Honzik was not available for photo). St. John's students pictured are Jesse Chavis and Jasmin Gonzales.
Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church conducts a Treasure Sale every other year in September.  Net proceeds from recent sales have been used to support Catholic elementary education at St. John's in Hot Springs and Our Lady of Fatima in Benton.  Comparable to funds allocated from previous sales, this year $8,000 was given to each school.  These donations were made possible by the hard work of many Sacred Heart volunteers who organized and implemented the sale, the parishioners who donated treasures, and the many Villagers (including parishioners) who purchased treasures during the sale. Thanks to all! Thanks also to the local Habitat for Humanity Restore for accepting all of the unsold items.
CommunionFather Bill recently encouraged us to make an effort this new year to participate in daily Mass at least once a week in addition to our Sunday obligation.  Throughout Lent, Daily Mass will be offered Monday through Friday at 9:00 a.m. and Wednesday at 4:30 p.m. Besides participation in Mass, please also consider spending some time (or some extra time) in the Eucharistic Chapel praying before our Lord.
fishMark your calendars for Friday, March 27, as all are welcome - parishioners and non-members alike - to the Fish Bake in the Lower Hall.  Menu includes Baked Domestic Tilapia, specialty green beans, tater tots, coleslaw, rye bread and coffee.  Other beverages will be available from the donation Refreshment Center.  Father Bill's ice cream will also be available for a donation to support our youth.

There will be two seatings, 5:00 and 6:30 p.m.  Advance tickets are $10; at the door, $11. Children under 10, $5; children under six years eat at no cost. Take-outs will be available.  Tickets sold after weekend Masses starting next weekend.  Call Joe at 915-0511 with questions.
2014 7th and 8th Graders Our Lady of Fatima
Our Lady of Fatima 7th and 8th graders. Fr. Bill Elser presenting check to school principal, Jan Cash.
Our Lady of Fatima Catholic School in Benton was recently presented a check for $8,000 from Fr. Bill Elser from Sacred Heart Church in Hot Springs Village which represented half of the money collected from the biennial treasure sale at Sacred Heart Church. Jan Cash, principal at the school received the check.  The students are 7th and 8th graders from the school.  The money will be used for scholarships for students for the school year.
Thank youThank you to everyone who participated in the basket program during 2014!  All who donated to the fund, those who participated in the acquisition and distribution of food from Project Hope and, most of all, those who delivered the baskets.  During the year 144 baskets were delivered:  36 baskets at Easter, 48 baskets at Thanksgiving and 60 baskets at Christmas.  At Christmas 113 children received 449 presents and a certificate for a pair of shoes.  The value of the Christmas Baskets totaled about $25,000. Donations to the basket fund totaled over $11,000 in 2014, including $1,000 from the Knights of Columbus, $1,200 from the Men's Club and $1,780 from the Ladies of the Sacred Heart.  A special thanks to Anna Suttor who donated $500 resulting from the sale of her wonderful jellies.  In addition, $1,500 was donated to the Village Outreach Shoe Fund through donations placed in the shoe box.

With more than 60 individuals participating in delivering baskets and about 435 angels being taken from the tree, this is truly a wonderful example of the willingness to help those in need and the generosity of our parish!
eggs-sausageThe Knights of Columbus would like to invite everyone to their delicious Parish Breakfast on Sunday, March 1.  The menu includes biscuits and gravy with sausage and scrambled eggs, hash browns and juice, coffee and milk.  We will be welcoming new parishioners who will be guests of the Knights.  Please join us in welcoming them to the Sacred Heart Family.  All breakfast proceeds are used to fund Knights charitable activities throughout the year.  See you there!
griefEver wish you could just talk with someone about your loss?  Or that there was a safe place to be with others who had suffered the loss of a loved one, and just share what worked for you and what you still struggle with?  There is such a place!  We will begin a Grief Support Group here at Sacred Heart in the library on Monday mornings at 10:00 a.m. beginning February 23.

Within the Grief Support Group, there will be six sessions facilitated by Deacon John, and each one will last about one and one-half hours.  If you know someone who is grieving and could use  support - that is, anyone (does not have to be a parishioner), please have them contact Deacon John.  The size of the group is limited, so please make a reservation by calling Deacon John at 226-5506 or 226-9035.
Protectimage001There will be a VIRTUS training session on Monday, February 23, from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. in the classroom area of the A&E Building.  If you are a new volunteer minister and have not attended a previous training session, you are required to attend to meet the bishop's directive.  To register online, go to, select "Registration," then "Little Rock Diocese," and lastly, "Sacred Heart of Jesus at Hot Springs Village;" select the date and follow instructions.  Call Russ at 922-1767 with questions.
church library 1Some kind parishioners donated the following DVDs to our library:  Amazing Grace, God's Not Dead, Purgatory, the Forgotten Church, More Than Chance, Therese, An Ordinary Girl (St. Therese) and Homeless for the Holidays.  These DVDs are in the first room of the library on the DVD racks.  Please legibly fill-out the check out card with the date and your first and last name. Place the check-out card in the box between the racks.
AARP Driver SafetyThe AARP Driver Safety Program will be held on Thursday, February 12, from 12:30 to 5:00 p.m. in the Upper Hall. Sign-up for this one-day class.  Bring your driver's license and AARP card, along with a check made payable to AARP for $15 each for AARP members and $20 each for non-members.  Call Gene Widlowski at 922-5170 with questions.
dessertThe Sacred Heart Singles will meet at noon to 4:00 p.m. on Friday, February 6, for "A Sweet Afternoon" in the Lower Hall.  Dessert will be available, and Bingo is the game. Please bring one unwrapped prize and one dollar.  Sign-up in the narthex, and call Ann at 922-6963 with questions.  Friends and neighbors are welcome.
Blind side posterSave the date!  The movie, "The Blind Side" with Sandra Bullock, will be shown on February 5, at 5:30 p.m. in the Lower Hall of the church.  Hot dogs and baked beans will be served for a donation - as well as beer, wine and popcorn. The movie will run for two hours and six minutes. Mark your calendars and join us for a fun night with family and friends.