Liturgy and Prayer
Ministry |
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Extraordinary MinistersAssist the celebrant of the Mass with distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ. Ministers are scheduled for weekend and Holy Day Masses. |
Michele Lukasavige 636-448-3228 |
Extraordinary Ministers for the HomeboundDeliver the Blessed Sacrament to those who are unable to attend Mass at church. Approximately 25 people serve the homebound. |
Rose Farrell 860-208-9813 |
Funeral Ministry | Chris Frantz 501-922-5877 |
Gift BearersEncourages parishioners to participate in Mass by bringing the water and wine to the altar prior to the Consecration. Gift Bearers sign-up in the narthex two months prior to the date of scheduled Mass. |
Marian LaVelle 501-209-2435 |
LectorsScheduled for the purpose of reading the Word of God clearly to the parish community. Lectors are scheduled to read at all Masses. There are approximately 30 people currently serving as lectors. |
Cathy Raney 832-721-5326 |
SacristansPrepare the church and altars for Mass, along with decorating the church seasonally. These volunteers also assist at funeral and other special occasion. There are 30 women who serve as sacristans. |
Mark Lukasavige 314-443-9257 |
Sacristan Instructions |
ServersAssist the celebrant and deacons with the celebration of the Mass. This ministry is open to men, woman and children. |
Al Hanschmann 501-226-3104 |
UshersHelp manage the flow of parishioners at Mass and with collections. Assist at funeral and other special occasions. Thirty people are involved in this ministry. |
Bob Honzik 501-922-2702 |
Music Ministry
Ministry |
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CantorsScheduled to bring the song of the assembled community to life. Cantors serve at all weekend and Holy Day Masses, and serve as song leaders at the 9:00 a.m. weekday Masses. |
Kathleen Kinney 501-282-5404 |
Cantor Schedule |
Sacred Heart Mixed ChoirFormed as a liturgical choir that sings primarily at the 10:00 a.m. Sunday Mass from September through May. Choir members sing in support of the Liturgy of the Word and the Eucharist. The Mixed Choir normally practices in the Church from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. on Wednesdays from mid-August through May. |
Kathleen Kinney 501-282-5404 |
Sunday Choir Photo |
Saturday Night ChoirProvides support for congregational singing of more contemporary liturgical music, led by guitar, with two to four-part harmony. Practice takes place at the church on Thursday afternoons from September through May. |
Diane Patterson 922-6965 |
Resurrection (Funeral) ChoirThe Resurrection Choir sings for most of the scheduled funerals. Anyone is welcome to join. The choir sings in two to four-part harmony and practices one hour, in the Upper Hall, before a scheduled funeral.
Kathleen Kinney 501-282-5404 |
Parish Life
Ministry |
Contact |
Links |
Communications: Website
Gina Biondillo 501-922-2062 ext. 10 |
Communications: Facebook |
Patti Sheppard 501-922-1881 |
Faith and Wellness Ministry |
Barbara Bozek 501-226-3207 |
Hand and Foot Card ClubMeet at members homes monthly to play the Hand and Foot card game. Each group normally has 6 people. There are currently 48 members. Looking for new coordinator. |
Need Volunteer |
Knights of Columbus Third Degree, Council 10208Over 2,000,000 Knights in 4,607 International Councils dedicate themselves to the principals of charity, fraternity, unity, and patriotism. The SHJ-based Council supports faith-based and charitable initiatives within our parish and the surrounding community, although they operate under the Supreme Council in New Haven, CT, and the Arkansas State Council's leadership. They are not a parish organization, per se, but their activities and volunteerism permeate our parish life. Well over half of the parish men are Knights of Columbus (315 current members). The Knights participate with the Parish Life Committee in a coordination and support role within the parish. The six primary areas of all Knights' activities include Culture of Life, Church, Family, Youth, Community, and their Council activites. Council 10208 meetings generally fall on the first Tuesday of every month. Dues are approximately $30 annually. Contact or call John Weidert, Grand Knight, for further information. |
John Weidert 501-915-0719 |
Knights of Columbus Fourth Degree, Fr. Victor A. Bieberle Assembly 2316Fourth Degree Knights commit to the fourth tenet of the Knights - Patriotism. The Assembly is currently 140 plus members strong. During the fraternal year the Assembly holds one event a month from September to June. Some of these events are combined with Council 10208 activities. The Assembly's programs throughout the year are centered around Patriotism and include; the Flags Forever Program, the Church Flag program, Veterans Day, Memorial Day and Flag Day programs, and the Homeless Veterans program at St. Francis House. The Assembly also sponsors several social events per year to include Sir Knights widows. An integral part of the 4th Degree is the Honor (Color) Guard that performs at special events as requested and authorized by Charter. Fourth Degree dues are $15 and a burse fund fee of $10 per. Contact person for the 2019-2020 Columbian year is Gary Wolfer. |
Pat McGannon 281-785-5073 |
Ladies of the Sacred HeartMembership is open to all women of the parish and others in the community who want to participate. The group unites women in religious and social activities helpful to the parish. Annual events include Christmas Brunch, card party, fashion show and ladies golf outing. There are 325 members; annual dues are $25.00 ($20 to the Guild and $5 to LOSH). Meetings are held the second Monday of each month, excluding summer, after the 9:00 a.m. Mass. In addition to this umbrella organization, there are 8 guilds that meet separately with their own charities to support. |
Debbie Garrett 512-460-9903 |
Web Site Meeting Photos |
Newcomers Welcoming CommitteeWelcomes new parishioners by visiting them at their home, church or other convenient location, and supplying them with information about Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish as well as a crucifix as a welcome gift. Questions are answered about activities and ministries within the parish. There are 14 people involved with this committee. |
Larry Helton 903-278-9764 |
Parish LifeOn various occasions during the years meals are served in the churchhall. The majority of these meals are open to all parishioners. Volunteer help is often needed in the kitchen to either serve, prepare (chopping, slicing, plating, etc.) or help clean up. If you are interested in helping from time-to-time, pleace call Sherrie Nichols. She would very much appreciate any help you can give. |
Becky Jordan
901-605-0333 |
Sacred Heart Bowling LeagueOur bowling league is called "Hot Village Bowlers" and is on Thursdays at 2:00pm. Our Fall League begins the first Thursday after Labor Day and runs through mid/late April. All are welcome even if it has been dacades since you've regularly bowled. There is a handicap system which makes it possible for bowlers of all skill levels to compete fairly against one another. Cost is currently $15/week which includes 3 games and prize money at the end of the season. It is a fun time and we are always looking for new individuals/couples to share time with one another. This is an inter-faith group. You do not need to be a SHJ parishioner to join. |
Ann Bowman Sherrie Nichols (Fall) 617-733-1395 |
Sacred Heart Men's ClubPromote our Catholic faith, fellowship and socialbility in the parish. All men in the parish and any non Catholic man whose wife is a parish member are welcome. Members participate in Hot Springs and Hot Springs Village community affairs and give support to charities in the area. Meetings are scheduled for the second Tuesday of the month from September through May starting at 5:00 p.m. Annual events are the Chicken Bake in September and Fish Bake in Lent. We welcome spouses and widows of members at our September, December and May meetings. There are over 200 members, and annual dues are $10. |
David Banaszynski 414-332-5999 |
Web Site |
Sacred Heart SinglesProvides all single adults in the parish an opportunity to meet others in like circumstances to form friendships that reach beyond the group setting. Members meet monthly at different locations depending on the scheduled activities. Members meet periodically for a potluck dinner to plan continuing events. Membership is particularly beneficial to the members of the parish who have lost many friendships to death or relocation. Members plan the events. We encourage all singles to attend. |
Debbie Doughty 414-313-0415 |
Sociable SixPresents an opportunity for new and experienced parishioners to meet others socially on a personal level. Six members meet once a month, for three months, in members' homes, rotating monthly, for dinner and socialization. There are two sessions yearly: Fall (September, October and November) and Spring (March, April and May). |
Nancy & Howard Emery 815-861-0820 |
Social Justice and Community Outreach
Ministry |
Contact |
Links |
Disaster Response TeamThe Disaster Response Team (DRT) operates under the umbrella of the Diocese of Little Rock's Catholic Charities of Arkansas to provide aid in the aftermath of natural disasters. While its efforts will be focused primarily in the immediate service area, the DRT may assist as needed throughout Arkansas as resources and personnel permit. Team members include case managers, first responders, and clean-up crews. |
Gary Wolfer 501-204-1192 |
Related Article |
Family Assistance The Mission of Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church Family Assistance is to provide help to those in need within our community, and to serve our Lord Jesus Christ by proclaiming His Good News through these acts of assistance. We help utilize community resources and provide direct aid whenever possible. |
Priscilla O'Malley 214-695-0575 |
Habitat for Humanity-Garland County | David Witchger 501-922-9058 |
Helping HandsHelping Hand Ministry is comprised of about one hundred parishioners who volunteer their time, treasure and talents to assist members of our parish family in emergency situations and during unforeseen circumstances, providing temporary assistance until permanent solutions can be found. Volunteers regularly call, visit and send greeting cards to parishioners who are homebound or in residence at care facilities in and around the Village. Helping Hands provides transportation to Mass, to medical appointments and treatments, and for local shopping and errands for those who are no longer able to drive. Helping Hands provides respite sitters for family caregivers, and secures information on resources and services available when professional assistance is required. Any person who is a registered parishioner of Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church may request and receive assistance. To volunteer for the Helping Hands Ministry or to request assistance, call Coordinators Cathy Wedwick or Pat Widlowski. |
Cathy Wedwick 501-915-8456 Pat Widlowski 501-922-1395 |
HSV Interfaith CouncilMeets monthly as representatives from Village churches to discuss issues of mutual interest; and, to coordinate programs and charitable activities. These volunteers organize Village ecumenical services for Thanksgiving, Good Friday and Easter Sunrise. |
Prayer Warriors | Chris Stein 501-226-5105 |
Respect LifeProclaiming life is a gift from God from conception to natural death.The mission of the Respect Life ministry is to encourage parishioners to participate in Pro-Life activities. We disseminate information provided to us by the US Catholic Bishops and the Diocese of Little Rock Respect Life Office. We participate in the annual Arkansas March for Life in January; the 40 Days for Life campaign in the spring and fall; the National Life Chain and "Rosary in the Public Square" in October, which is Respect Life month. We sponsor a "Spiritual Adoption" program, encouraging parishioners to say a short prayer each day for 9 months for an unborn baby which culminates with a baby shower. Donated items are distributed to Catholic Adoption Services in Little Rock, and pregnancy help centers in Benton and Hot Springs. |
Rebecca Huber 501-844-7656 Bob Bowman 501-922-6619 |
Rosary MakersWe are a small but prolific group of rosary makers. We make and ship rosaries, free of charge, nationally and internationally, to any group that requests them. To date, we have sent out well over 100,000 rosaries. We make the basic plastic rosaries to ship, but we also make red, green and gold rosaries for Advent and purple and black for Lent with prayer instructions in both English and Spanish. All white chaplets for prisons, and black for our military and special requests for Bible studies. We meet all year long after Thursday morning Mass. |
Marge Newburn 501-922-9047 |
Shawl MinistryProvides the infirmed, those hospitalized, and residents of nursing homes with hand knit/crocheted shawls. Members meet monthly. |
Dee Kapple 501-915-9331 |
Village Outreach Provide annual donations to over thirty different service organizations and charities under the headings of "Food, Shelter, Clothing;" "Children's Needs;" "Health Care;" and "Pro-Life Agencies." These cover the Hot Springs, Benton and Little Rock areas, as well as national and international efforts. Donations are made twice a year in December and June, or as needed. Parishioners also put in many volunteer hours each year at a number of the charities such as Habitat for Humanity, Jackson House and Village Outreach. |
Ed Keearns 501-922-3832 |
Volunteer Positions
Education Commission
Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration (PEA) Coordinator and Assistant Coordinator oversee the entire PEA
program, assisting the Division Leaders whenever necessary and providing guidance and remediation
actions when needed. A major responsibility of the Coordinator requires regular recruiting efforts to
maintain adequate adorers to maintain our perpetual ministry. Additionally, oversee an optional
anniversary celebration each year, or recruit and delegate responsibility for this event.
PEA Division Leader:
Division Leaders are responsible for six specific hours of each day:
Night: Midnight to 6 a.m. Morning: 6 a.m. – noon
Afternoon: noon – 6 p.m. Evening: 6 p.m. – midnight
Take calls from and assist adorers needing a sub, switching to a different hour, taking vacations,
etc. Navigate the PEA website and instruct adorers in its use when necessary. Maintain
division's roster and Current (current week) and Permanent (ongoing) schedules of adorers and
substitutes. Orient new adorers to PEA procedures. Review Check-in process monthly.
Division Leaders may enlist an Assistant leader and or hourly captains to assist with any of
these responsibilities.
PEA Adorers:
Commit to one specific hour of prayer in the Adoration chapel each week.
PEA Substitute Adorers:
Substitutes enable us to keep the chapel open in the event of a regular adorer's absence when the
chapel would otherwise be empty. Substitutes respond to regular adorers' requests for a substitute for the
adorer's absence.
Faith Formation - Youth
If you are interested in volunteering to help with Faith Formation of Children amd Youth, please contact Lou Ann Kemper, Lead Volunteer, at 469 323-2505 (call or text) or
Faith Formation - Youth
If you are interested in volunteering to help with Faith Formation of Children amd Youth, please contact Lou Ann Kemper, Lead Volunteer, at 469 323-2505 (call or text) or
You may also wish to view the Faith Formation tab on the website under Conf. of Christian Doctrine (CCD).
Faith Formation—Facilitator
Faith Formation—Facilitator
Oversees group during Bible study, small group faith sharing or other faith formation group. The facilitator
opens meeting with prayer, keeps track of time, guides discussion and/or sharing to maintain integrity of
topic. Keeps group on a positive track and ends meeting with prayer. Will train.
Ministry |
Contact |
Links |
Bereavement Support TeamProvides bereavement support to those parishioners who have suffered the loss of a spouse, relative or friend. Facilitators coordinate Grief Support Groups every 6 to 12 months. Individual one on one grief support is also available for those that are uncomfortable with a group environment. Those involved make calls, deliver booklets and information on coping with grief, send letters and visit parishioners-in-need. Support normally continues for a year after a loss. There are ten people involved with this ministry. |
Dc. Gary Christoff 573-645-6814 |
Finance and Administration
Ministry |
Contact |
Links |
Administraion | Carolyn Bowers 501-915-8022 |
Building Plant Complex & Equipment | Pat Kalisz 630-926-6637 |
Collection CountersVolunteers count monies received from the weekend Mass collection. Each team of five to seven parishioners, counts once per week, for about two hours, for a month. Previous experience is not necessary. |
Mike Kerwin 501-922-1531 |
Finance | Larry Stein 501-226-5105 |
GroundsAssists the Finance & Administration Council by focusing on the appearance of the exterior church structure and grounds, making recommendations for improvements. |
Dave Witchger, Chair 501-922-9058 |
Stewardship Affairs | Bob Honzik 501-922-2702 Murray Claassen 501-908-4346 |
Systems/Communication | Vacant |