Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
Prayer ShawlContact Dee Kapple at 915-9331 or Tillie Tylka at 922-4190 if you need a shawl.  Either woman will be happy to help you and answer your questions.
4 month fetusAt four months in utero, the baby's brain has begun maturing - a process that will continue until she is about 14 years old.  Her eyelids are now sealed shut and will re-open at seven months.  Her taste buds are now working.  Nutrients consumed by her mother are passed on to her within an hour or two.  Three hundred quarts of fluid a day are sent to the baby via the umbilical chord.  Fine hair begins to grow on head, eyebrows and eyelashes.  Facial expressions similiar to the baby's parents can be seen at this time.  This month REMs (rapid eye movements) have been recorded - a sign of dreaming.
crosses on field remembrance day clip art 23131Our parish, the Village Bible Church and Faith Lutheran Church are again co-sponsoring the Crosses for Life Memorial in the Village this year.  All three churches will be displaying the crosses for the month of September.

The Memorial is a statewide outreach project of Arkansas Right to Life, and has been displayed in various locations throughout the state of Arkansas since January 2000.  These white crosses represent approximately 3700 pre-born children who die each day in the United States as a result of induced abortion.

A brief Dedication Service will be held on Sunday, August 30, at 2:00 p.m. here at Sacred Heart under the portico in front of church, followed immediately by a reception in the Upper Hall.  Members of all three churches are invited to participate in this event.  This is a great opportunity for us, as Catholics, to socialize with our brothers and sisters in Christ.  Please join us.

Volunteers will be erecting the crosses Friday, August 28.  For information call Bob Bowman at 922-6619.
AARP Driver SafetyThe date is August 27, from 12:30 to 5:00 p.m., for the next Driver Safety class as sponsored by the American Association for Retired Persons.  Sign-up sheets are in the hallway.  Class will be held in the Upper Hall.  Bring your driver's license and AARP card, along with a check made payable to AARP fo $15 if you are an AARP member and $20 if you are not a member.  Call Gene Widlowski at 922-5170 if you have questions.
Fr. Vic Bieberle
A video is being developed on the life of Father Vic Bieberle.  We are looking for photos of Father Vic golfing, boating, working with the woodworkers and celebrating Mass on our altar with our deacons.  Please call Bob Honzik at 922-2702 if you have some of these photographs.  Photos will be returned.
Farmers MarketThis will be the final week for Farmer Tom, the Guy, AR, produce man and his helpers.  They will be parked under the portico, in front of church, on Tuesday, August  25 from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.  Don't hesitate to tell your friends and neighbors (whether they are Catholic or not).  See you there!
Bible Study
Walking Toward Eternity is a program that involves participants in the use of the Bible in prayer and meditation.  It will begin the week of September 14 and extend for eight weeks, ending in the week of November 2.  There will be one 90-minute session each week that will include a video presentation and discussion of biblical texts selected for that week. There will be three groups, each with its own facilitator: Tuesdays at 9:45 a.m. (Tom Canavan), Wednesdays at 9:45 a.m. (Paula Doyle), and Wednesdays at 6:00 p.m. (Dave Johnston).  All meetings will be at Sacred Heart.

Each participant will need to have a Bible and purchase a $15 journal that will serve as a guide throughout the Walking Toward Eternity Program.  The journal directs the participant to specific Scripture passages and includes questions designed to facilitate prayerful meditation on the Word of God.  Sign-up sheets will be in the narthex through September 6.  Those who participated in the Oremus Program in earlier years are encouraged to join one of the groups and to deepen their experience in the practice of scriptural reading, prayer and meditation.
handandfootGet your old cards and dessert recipes out because it's a new Hand and Foot season.  Easy to play, easy to learn and always fun.  See old friends, meet new people, enjoy the fellowship and refreshments.  Players need not be just married couples - can be single women or men who team up with a partner.   Play begins in September, and we need your commitment by August 17.  Call Cathy or Jerry Bertrand at 204-9088 for more information about this activity.
VeggiesFarmer Tom, the Guy, AR. produce man and his helpers have returned to provide excellent produce for us during the growing season.  Right now Arkansas peaches are plentiful and last week he brought green beans, squash, tomatoes, blackberries and grapes. They will be parked under the portico, in front of church, every Tuesday from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.  Don't hesitate to tell your friends and neighbors (whether they are Catholic or not).  See you there!

2015 Paschal CandleThe new Paschal (Easter) Candle has been donated by the family of Deacon Bernie and Marilyn Bauer in their honor.  We thank the family for their gift, and thank God for the gift of Bernie and Marilyn to this parish, and to so many in the parish.
Fr. McGivneyOn Wednesday, August 12, we invite Brother and Sir Knights, wives, and any prospective new members or guests, to attend a Special Mass celebrating the 163rd birthday of our founder, the Venerable Father Michael J. McGivney.  The Mass will begin at 5:00 p.m.  There will be a short fim honoring the life of Father McGivney that will be shown in the Lower Hall immediately following Mass.  Pizza, along with tea and soft drinks, will be served afterwards.  Please make arrangements to be at this very special Mass and honor the memory of this great priest.
religious education clip artAs the summer moves on, we are looking toward the start of our Religious Education offerings for our adults and youth. Right now we are in need of a Confirmation teacher to prepare three of our students for that Sacrament every Wednesday evening from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. starting in September.  Teaching experience is desired, but not necessary.

Please contact Father Bill at 209-2502 if you are interested.
3 month fetusYour baby will be completely formed by the end of this third month.  He may have begun moving his hands, legs, and head - and opening his mouth.  Your baby's fingers and toes are now more distinct and have soft nails.  Hair has started to form on his head, and his head is quite large compared to the rest of his body.  By the end of the month, the unbilical cord, which carries nutrients to your baby and takes waste away, will be fully formed.  Please continue to pray for this special child of God.
YouthgroupThe Sacred Heart Youth sincerely thank all parishioners for their help in funding our upcoming trip to the Steubenville Conference in Springfield, Missouri.  The Conference will bring young Catholics from all over mid-America to join together in praise and worhip, and in kindling the fire of the Holy Spirit in their hearts.  We are very grateful for your support of the Bake Sale and the Car Wash, and for your generous donations.
SaladThe Sacred Heart Singles will meet on Monday, August 10, from 5:00 to 9:00 p.m. in the Lower Hall for a Salad Supper and Bingo.  You will need to bring $1.25 and a can of ready to eat soup for Jackson House plus your favorite covered dish.  Sign-up in the narthex.  Please call Ann at 922-6963 for questions.
Jays1The Sacred Heart SIngles will carpool from the church parking lot on Thursday, July 30, at 10:30 a.m. and head to Hot Springs Village to lunch at Jay's on Grand Avenue. Sign-up in the narthex. Please call Ann for questions at 922-6963.