Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
Easter is truly a time to REJOICE because THE LORD IS RISEN.  He is the king of Kings and Lord of Lords, who calls us to rejoice and then to act each day of our lives in His name, following His way that leads ultimately, to our own resurrectional life.  I give thanks that so many people in this faith-filled parish praise The Lord in worship and live in service to the Gospel.  If you are not one of them, I pray that The Lord will inspire you to step out in new ways to enter into an ever-deepening relationship with Him.  The joy, peace and inspiration of Easter and the Easter season, can be sustained all the time.  Just ask the Spirit of the Risen Lord to work in you and through you, to touch the lives of others. God bless you.
"For the days of His saving Passion and glorious Resurrection are approaching" is a direct quote from the Preface of the Eucharistic prayers for Masses on Monday-Wednesday of Holy Week.  It will truly be a blessing for each one of us who enters the "Great Three Days" with minds and hearts prepared to participate in the commemoration and celebration of the Paschal Mystery.  The insert in the bulletin gives us scheduled opportunities to gather in prayer, worship and reflection during these days.  While I urge you to participate in as many as you can, make it a priority to come to the principal liturgies (listed on the insert in bold print) on these days.  Anything else we come to, should not be a substitute for, but in addition to, these unique and special liturgies.  Look forward to witnessing and supporting the new life that will come into our midst through the baptisms of Chloe Calhoun and Marcia Wilson at the Paschal Vigil (on Saturday night).  Those who choose to observe the Paschal Fast on Good Friday and Holy Saturday will come to the Easter Vigil (8:00 p.m.) hungry and ready to be filled with what God, and God alone, can provide, which will sustain us throughout the upcoming Easter season.  PLEASE COME.
"Come back to me with all your heart" are words that we read and sing from the prophet Hosea.  It echoes God's heart that wants us to experience the joy and peace of reconciliation.  I hope and pray that we will all be led to the Sacrament of Reconciliation sometime soon.  The opportunities to do so are many starting with our Lenten Reconciliation Service, this Thursday, March 29, at 6:15 p.m.  Four visiting priests will join me in offering the sacrament to those who wish to receive it.  I will also be available for the sacrament on Good Friday, April 6, from 10:00-11:30 a.m. and 1:00-2:30 p.m. Finally, I will be in the Reconciliation room every weekday through Wednesday of Holy Week after the 9:00 a.m. Mass until around 10:00 a.m. each day.  This is one of the best ways to prepare ourselves for the celebration of the Paschal Mystery.  Please don't let long absences from this great sacrament of peace and hope keep you from coming.