It was truly a team effort. The team was the Knights of Columbus (10208), the Ladies of the Sacred Heart, the Sacred Heart Men's Club, and other parishioners who followed the lead of our coach Ed Keearns in bringing Christmas joy to so many people. The money that was collected and used to buy food, shoes (to children) and presents, totaled $11,305. A total of 54 families received food and 148 children received presents of toys and clothes that many parishioners bought and wrapped. I thank the Lord for the inspiration and motivation that led so many people to give so much for the sake of those in need. God bless you all.
Our new Church calendar lists January 23 as a "Day of penance for violations to the dignity of the human person committed through acts of abortion, and of prayer for the full restoration of the legal guarantee of the right to life." This day of penance and prayer has been decreed by our American Bishops on the day after the anniversary of the Roe v Wade decision in 1973 that legalized abortion in our country. I ask you to be thoughtful about a penance you could do on January 23 and then make plans to participate in Mass that day at 9:00 a.m. and/or stop by the Church sometime that day and spend time in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament exposed in the Monstrance after Mass until benediction at 4:00 p.m. Sign-up sheets are available in the Narthex to see that we have every hour covered during our day of prayer. We will pray the patriotic rosary that day immediately after Mass. Please also consider going to Little Rock for the Mass and March for Life on Sunday, January 22. Sign-up sheets for a ride on a bus (provided free of charge) are in the Narthex.
Before looking ahead, always with hope because of Jesus Christ, crucified and risen, I look back with thanks to God for many blessings. I thank God for those who were so thoughtful and generous to me at Christmas. The cards, spiritual gifts, and other gifts are signs to me of your goodness and appreciation for my ministry to you. I thank God for those who participated in our Christmas liturgies, including those who decorated our church so beautifully for the Christmas season. Finally, I thank Ed Keearns and all the many people who helped in providing a joy-filled Christmas for so many needy children. From those who gave monetary gifts, to those who bought presents, to those who delivered food and presents and those who put the boxes together to serve over 50 families. It shows, once again, that Christ is very much alive and working to inspire so many people in this wonderful community of faith. May God continue to lead and inspire us as we begin a new calendar year.