Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
Knowing that we have many parishioners who play golf at our beautiful golf courses and at other venues, I want to ask all golfers to consider participating in one or more benefit golf tournaments that will be coming up in August and September.  The first two, on Saturday, August 25, and Sunday August 26, will benefit our county Catholic Schools, St. John's in Hot Springs and Our Lady of Fatima in Benton, respectively.  There should be more details about these tournaments in our bulletins in the coming weeks.  In addition, the annual Bishop McDonald Catholic Charities tournament will take place on Monday, September 17, at Maumelle Country Club.  We would consider our parish splitting the greens fee for this tournament, with up to eight parishioners who want to play.  All these tournaments promise a good time and a good feeling about your contribution to these worthwhile institutions and charities.  I might even be available (if you dare ask me) to be on your team.  It would be wonderful to see our parish well-represented at all these tournaments.
Someone recently gave me a bulletin from a parish they visited while out of state.  It contained a two-page article on the subject of "What You Wear in Church."  This is a subject which elicits many strong opinions almost anywhere you happen to be.  The article I mentioned points out that even if "immodest" or "improper dress" does not offend God, it can and does offend some of our brothers and sisters in the pew.  It goes on to say that dressing well can assist the community in praying well, and that dressing appropriately is a sign of respect for our brothers and sisters in Christ.  I believe that these are good points, and I feel that we are blessed to belong to a faith family that dresses well for Mass.  I personally don't feel the need to bring this subject up at church.  I pray that our parishioners who have children and/or grandchildren visit during the summer, will be blessed to have them coming to Mass with them and that all of us will be respectful to God and others in all ways.
Recently, after celebrating Flag Day, I asked what patriotic song is the best theme song for this special day in our country.  The answer, of course, is "The Star Spangled Banner".  The very title of our country's national anthem speaks of the flag.  As we have been observing and participating in the "Fort Night for Freedom Days", as promoted by our American Bishops, I have come to the conclusion, after singing a variety of patriotic songs at the end of our Masses, that the theme song for these days and for our ongoing efforts to promote and protect the freedom of religion, should be "America".  The opening line of the song speaks of our "sweet land of liberty".  The first verse ends with "from every mountainside, let freedom ring".  As we have just observed "Independence Day" in our country, let us continue to celebrate and give thanks for the many freedoms we enjoy in this great country, and do our part to see that they continue for ourselves and for future generations.