Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
Sometimes Mass ends with the deacon saying, "Go and announce the Gospel of The Lord."  Our response, "Thanks be to God," whether we realize it or not, is our affirmation that we will go and bring the "Good News" to people that we encounter in the world.  The question is:  Are each one of us consciously doing just that, and are we a faith-filled community answering the call to evangelize?

After we celebrated the Easter Vigil without welcoming new life in the Church, I concluded that the formation of an "Evangelization Committee" in our parish is long overdue.  I am looking for people in the parish who would serve with me on such a committee, and brainstorm ways for our parish to be more active in answering our baptismal call to evangelize in our community.  Please pray about this, and ask the Holy Spirit to lead you, and others, to share in this effort.  Please call me at 209-2502 if you are interested in being on this committee.

This morning's Mass (Tuesday) ended with the song, "Go Make of All Disciples."  That's a tall task, and it starts with one person at a time.  Let us truly enter into the "New Evangelization" that has been proposed for us by the Holy Father, and look forward to welcoming "New Life" into God's people at future Easter Vigils. 
In a recent weekday Mass, we read from the Acts of the Apostles (4:32-37) in speaking about the early Christian community that "There was no needy person among them, for those who owned property or houses would sell them, and they were distributed to each according to their need."

Given the generosity of the "Christians" in our faith community of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish to those in need as recently reported in our bulletin, I wouldn't doubt that someone might have sold some property to give to the various needs that are ever present in our church and community.  In the calendar year 2012, when one adds up the charitable efforts of our local Knight of Columbus Council ($47,205), our Ladies of the Sacred Heart ($9,425), our Sacred Heart Men's Club ($6,200) and the charitable giving of our parishioners ($164,586) and what was allocated from our parish budget ($56,775), countless needs were met in many different ways.  For those who are "bottom line" people, that's a total of $284,191.

If your were a part of this tremendous "Christian witness", THANK YOU.  If you were not, let the good example of others inspire you to be among the faithful, generous Christians of this wonderful community.  It is an act of love that comes back to us in love (from God and others) many times over. 
Though we have one of the smallest number of young people in a religious education program in the diocese, we are truly blessed with outstanding young people who are active in our parish and are making their mark in their secular lives as well.  Recently, Chloe Calhoun, Jonathan Semmler, Caroline Eisenhauer, and Camille Eisenhauer were recognized at the Governor's Mansion for being 4.0 grade-point-average students at Jessieville School.  Not long ago, Ashely Bonilla and Camille Eisenhauer were two of three students who placed in the Optimist Essay Contest.  When you see these young people, affirm them for their accomplishments and their active faith.  I know they have proud parents, and I want them to know that they have a parish that is proud of them as well.