Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
Until I came to this parish, I had never participated in a November Memorial Mass for deceased parishioners or one for deceased Knights of Columbus.  Until I came to this parish, I had never participated in activities commemorating Flag Day (June 14).  Now I have attended twice, and will look forward to Flag Day next year.

In Mass, in the recitation of the Patriotic Rosary and in the ceremonies we had downstairs, we gave attention to the greatest symbol of our country, the American Flag.  In the songs we sang in church and in the parish hall, we recognized the vital place of God in our country's growth and successes.  We also called out to God in the song "America" to "mend thine every flaw", which reminds us that we always have room to grow and need God's guidance and help to be what we can be, and should be, for ourselves and the world.  In our "Flag" trivia, I also learned some interesting facts, such as that there are 13 folds in a flag folding ceremony, each one representing one of the 13 colonies in America.

I pray that more of our parishioners and other residents of the Village will take time to focus attention on the American Flag and what it means for this great nation of ours, especially on Flag Day, June 14.  I do thank Mike Kerwin and our local Knights of Columbus Council (10208) for doing so much to sponsor the Flag Day activities here at Sacred Heart Church. 
"You are the salt of the earth, You are the light of the world".  These words were quoted from Jesus at daily Mass this past Tuesday.  They remind us, among other things, that we are called to be active in the world to spread the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Beginning this Friday, June 21, and going through July 4, we are being urged by the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops to participate in the annual "Fortnight for Freedom."  We will start this special time of prayer, study and action THIS FRIDAY, June 21, with a special Mass at 5:00 p.m. in anticipation of the memorial of Saints Thomas Moore and John Fischer, who were two great advocates of religious liberty in their lifetimes.  After Mass we will have potluck supper, then watch the movie "For Greater Glory."  Please join us for this kick-off of the Fortnight for Freedom and log on to the website for prayers and activities for each day of this observance.  We will pray the prayer for religious liberty before all Masses during this special time and the Patriotic Rosary on Independence Day immediately after Mass.
Those of us who were blessed to receive a Catholic School education learned at an early age about guilt that comes with sin.  We were probably not taught that there is such a thing as "healthy" productive guilt (if it leads us to repent of our sins and "unhealthy" or unproductive guilt that has nothing good to offer us).  A few weeks ago, I started having a case of unhealthy guilt when I left for a week of vacation and daily Mass was not celebrated at Sacred Heart Church on days that it is normally celebrated.  Now the same thing is about to happen, as I leave for the annual Priest retreat in Subiaco this week.  Firstly, I want you to know that having a Word and Communion Service is no longer an option on weekdays in the Diocese of Little Rock.  The Word and Communion Service was created for communities of faith that did not have a priest available for the obligatory Sunday Mass.  Over time, it started to be offered on weekdays on priest's day off and whenever he had to be gone for vacation or retreat.  Our bishop decided for various and good reasons to allow Word and Communion Services in our diocese ONLY for a Sunday when a priest is not available for Mass.

I pray that you will choose, on the days I am gone, to come together with your fellow parishioners to pray the rosary and morning prayer at the usual Mass time and know that you and your intentions are being offered up by me at the celebration of Mass wherever I happen to be.  I hope in time, I overcome this unhealthy guilt that I have and rejoice that I have always made sure that Mass is offered by some priest on the weekends I am gone.