For some who are reading this pastor's column, this will be a review. For others it will be new to read. For all, I pray it will be an inspiration and a source of reflection and appreciation for what so graciously is offered at every Mass we attend.
For the 18th day in the "33 Days to Eucharistic Glory", Matthew Kelly starts with a question: "What do I get out of it?" We all are guilty at times of deciding whether to do something or be involved in something based partly or entirely on whether or not I benefit from it. Of course, from a Christian perspective we should be Christ-like in looking to do things for the benefit of others and thereby for the glory of God. When it comes to our coming to and participating in Mass with our minds, hearts and voices turned firstly to God, we can be a wonderful example to others of how important it is to join together in the most powerful prayer we have, "THE MASS" and give God the honor, glory, praise and thanksgiving that is befitting to the God who created us (The Father), who redeemed and saved us (the Son, Jesus Christ) and who is ready to guide and sanctify our lives (The Holy Spirit). Time spent before and after Mass can also be of benefit to others and our-selves in the fellowship we share with each other.
It is okay, however, for us to recognize and celebrate the many benefits that come to each of us (which are many) at every Eucharistic celebration especially when we encounter Jesus one on one in the reception of Holy Communion. Matthew Kelly says (and I hope we all agree) that each time we receive the Eucharist, Jesus gives us the extraordinary gifts to help us live the life we were made for. He then lists some of the fruits and gifts that flow into our soul each time we receive the Eucharist. I ask that you read, contemplate, and then give thanks for these; friendship with Jesus, desire to know and do the will of God, cleansing of venial sin, hunger for virtue, grace to avoid sin in the future, a heart that listens to the Holy Spirit, and a desire to know and love God.
Kelly says that these gifts and the fruits that flow from the Eucharist (including time spent in Eucharistic Adoration) can (and hopefully will) lead to having better relationships, doing our best work, and have more clarity about every decision we make in our lives.
If you haven't started the "33 Days to Eucharistic Glory" I pray that you choose a day to start and stay with it to the finish. I know that when taken seriously it can transform you in ways that you can never appreciate until you finish it.
For the 18th day in the "33 Days to Eucharistic Glory", Matthew Kelly starts with a question: "What do I get out of it?" We all are guilty at times of deciding whether to do something or be involved in something based partly or entirely on whether or not I benefit from it. Of course, from a Christian perspective we should be Christ-like in looking to do things for the benefit of others and thereby for the glory of God. When it comes to our coming to and participating in Mass with our minds, hearts and voices turned firstly to God, we can be a wonderful example to others of how important it is to join together in the most powerful prayer we have, "THE MASS" and give God the honor, glory, praise and thanksgiving that is befitting to the God who created us (The Father), who redeemed and saved us (the Son, Jesus Christ) and who is ready to guide and sanctify our lives (The Holy Spirit). Time spent before and after Mass can also be of benefit to others and our-selves in the fellowship we share with each other.
It is okay, however, for us to recognize and celebrate the many benefits that come to each of us (which are many) at every Eucharistic celebration especially when we encounter Jesus one on one in the reception of Holy Communion. Matthew Kelly says (and I hope we all agree) that each time we receive the Eucharist, Jesus gives us the extraordinary gifts to help us live the life we were made for. He then lists some of the fruits and gifts that flow into our soul each time we receive the Eucharist. I ask that you read, contemplate, and then give thanks for these; friendship with Jesus, desire to know and do the will of God, cleansing of venial sin, hunger for virtue, grace to avoid sin in the future, a heart that listens to the Holy Spirit, and a desire to know and love God.
Kelly says that these gifts and the fruits that flow from the Eucharist (including time spent in Eucharistic Adoration) can (and hopefully will) lead to having better relationships, doing our best work, and have more clarity about every decision we make in our lives.
If you haven't started the "33 Days to Eucharistic Glory" I pray that you choose a day to start and stay with it to the finish. I know that when taken seriously it can transform you in ways that you can never appreciate until you finish it.