I give thanks for The Lord for many blessings, including growth that I have experienced over the years. Such growth is evident to me in my reluctance now to get involved in issues that in past years, I would have embraced heartily. One of these is "Christmas Parties" at church and elsewhere that are regularly scheduled way before our Church begins the celebration of Christmas. Unfortunately, (I say) we are victims of a secular and commercialistic society that now plays Christmas music and displays symbols of Christmas (both secular and religious) as early as the beginning of November. The challenge for us as Catholics is to be able to enter into the Advent season (which begins on December 2) as a time of waiting, and preparing both for Christ's coming again in glory and the celebration of His first coming which BEGINS at the Masses of Christmas and lasts until the Baptism of the Lord on January 13. I would truly be joy-filled and very complimentary if someone were to invite me to a "Christmas gathering" that is between December 25 and January 13. Following the Church's (and not society's) calendar for me, means singing Advent songs during Advent and spending time in spiritual reading and prayer in preparation for the joy of the true Christmas Season.
It is obvious to me that some of the ministries and activities that I encourage people to get involved with, would not have been extended by my predecessors before Vatican Council II. One of those activities is our annual Thanksgiving Service sponsored by the Village Interfaith Council. This year's service will be held this Tuesday, November 20, at 2:00 p.m. at the Unitarian Universalist Church at 403 Barcelona Road. While encouragement for us to attend such ecumenical services with fellow Christians has been coming from the Church and its priests and deacons since Vatican II, I must say that it saddens me that there is not more participation in these prayer opportunities from all the faith alliances in this and in other communities. I pray that more of us will join with our brothers and sisters in Christ in prayer at charitable endeavors and social gatherings throughout the year. A collection will be taken at this Thanksgiving service which will go to a fund that is used by the Interfaith Council for charitable purposes throughout the year. Hope to see you there.
I write this Pastor's Corner on election day, 2012. I hope, as I know all people who vote do, that my vote will make a difference in helping to get people elected whom I believe will best promote the values and ways of the Gospel of Jesus and will work with others to see that this happens for the common good. Today, I have already done something that I KNOW for sure will make a difference, as I gave blood at the Blood Drive that is held once every two months at the Village United Methodist Church on Carmona. I was one of the first in line, and the other three who were behind me, were fellow parishioners from Sacred Heart Church. I give thanks to God for these people and all who realize that they can make a difference throughout the year in many ways, including giving the "Gift of Life" through a blood donation. Please look out for the next blood drive in January at the United Methodist Church or earlier than that (though I don't know when) at the Coronado Center. It is a wonderful, Christ-like thing to do.