Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
The time is getting close for the Knights to host our 15th annual charity golf event. This tournament donates ALL proceeds to St John's School in order to aid students whose families would otherwise not be able to afford to send their children to receive a valuatble Catholic high academic education. There are currently numberous students attending who would not be there without our assistance. There are two major compnenets to the succes of this event: golfers and sponsor donations. While many sponsors are from HSV and Hot Springs businesses, may others are from parishioners from Sacred Heart, St John's and St Mary's. Please take some time to think and pray about donating to such a worthy cause. One of the most valuable sponsors/donors is Fr Bill and the Elser family. With interest, contact Scott Krantz at 512-626-7711 or email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Thank you for your consideration.