Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
TREEGod uses His creation to grab our attention, reveal HImself to us, provide for us, and demonstrate His restorative power.  Trees are an instrument He uses top capture our hearts and minds, and to put His plan into physical realm where we can witness and be a part of it.  In the Bible, trees represent:
  • Life
  • Growth
  • Provision
  • Beauty
  • God's family
Parishioners of Sacred Heart of Jesus come together as one to represent God's Family.  What better way to understand its significance and importance?  Before I begin to break down the different ministries, I want to expecially thank Steve Schramer for his artistic abilities.  I gave him a very small picture of a tree and asked him if he could draw and paint this.  Immediately, without hesitation, he said, "Yep I can do that", and he did.  Mr. Hugh Dunnahoe, Creative Arts located in Hot Springs, painted the wording.  This tree that you see on our wall represents an umbrella for all our parishioners who devote their time to the different ministries within our parish.  The branches of the tree represent the different ministries within our parish. The leaves represent our dedicated parishioners who give their time and energy to the ministries. The roots represent the firm, solid foundation that takes hold and keeps the tree steady and strong.  Hence, the tree continues to grow.