Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
baby bottleBaby bottles can be returned to the Church at any time and placed in the baby crib in the Narthex on or before November 14th.  If you did not pick up a baby bottle, there are additional empty bottles in the baby crib.  The goal this year is to continue to fund the use of the ultrasound machine at the New Beginnings Pregnancy Resource Center in Benton, provide financial support to Change Point Pregnancy Center in Hot Springs, and continue to support the Arkansas Right to Life organization in Little Rock.  In addition, we will donate some of the money for another ultrasound machine in Little Rock.  Ultrasound machines are saving the lives of babies where they are used and all of the orgaizations continue to provide support to women in crisis.  What a great feeling it is when you know that you have helped saved a life!  Please open your heart and be generous for these beautiful unborn children of God.  Thank you!